Status: Working :)

Once upon a time,..I used to give a damn


I sat through science and math, having her on my mind. A few of the loners as i like to call them, sat beside me. I was thinking 'fuck my life' all lesson. I looked up at the clock it was time to go. I was scared that she would be there..waiting for me, wanting me to talk to her, i Just...couldn't. As the teacher let us go i walked out of the classroom, people bumped into me alot making my shoulder sting. I felt something sticky on my shoulder, quickly grabbed my bag and ran for the bathroom. I walked into one of the cubicles which had writing all over it, I ignored the writing and took my hoodie off and began unbuttoning my shirt. As i pulled the shirt off i saw that blood had leaked from my cut. I swore incoherently and rumaged through my shoulder bag.
"Ahuh!!" A small roll of material good enough to wrap my cut with was at the bottom. I put my shirt over my bag and slowly unwrapped the material, i forgot i didnt have any sissors so i ripped the material. I slowly wrapped it around my shoulder, wincing as it tugged at loose skin. After i tightened it i put it up in a double knot and slowly put my shirt on, buttoning it up. I pulled the sleves down so they could cover my sweat bands around my wrists. I sighed and put my hoodie on and shrugged my shoulder bag on my good shoulder and exited the cubicle, walking towards the eating area. I wasn't looking where i was going and almost walked into someone who was bending down on the floor picking up their books. I bent down and helped them pick up their textbooks.
"Thanks.." They murmured to me. I recognized that voice it was that Jessica chick. Shit. She stood up slowly with her books in her hands. She looked at me, recognition in her expression. I cursed myself and shoved the textbook into her hands, but not too roughly so she didn't drop her books again. I walked away fast with my hands in my pockets and my head low. I could hear her footsteps behind me and i walked faster, years of athletic running payed off well.
"Luce!" One of her friends yelled out to her, i quickly walked around a corner and stood there for a while. Leaning against the wall, invisible to everyone. She walked past me, oblivious to me standing there. I counted to five and followed her, she walked towards my spot. Why was she here? What did she want? I watched as she walked around the area, looking at the trees and plants. I walked quietly behind her.
"What do you want? Why are you here?" She quickly turned around and studied me. I felt a bit uncomfortable but kept my stance, my voice was course and rough. She put her small delicate hands on her hips and glared at me, i found it amusing.
"Do You mean here in this spot or here on this planet?" She asked innocently a slight smile tugged at her lips. I looked at her, my eyes looking into hers
"Just what do you want?" I asked tiredly, I Looked away from her gaze, I stared at the grass and moved my feet. She lowered her arms and took a step towards me, panicking i took two steps away from her. I looked up at her and saw she looked sad, defeated and confused.
"Answers.." She said softly.
"Well you're not getting any!!" my voice went rough again. She sighed and put her books on the floor beside her bag and patted the empty space beside her. I looked at the spot for a second, confused and considered it before shaking my head, I sat on the grass, leaning against the tree trunk.
"At least tell me your name.." she Asked, I hesitated and looked at her wondering how much I could actually say to her, I looked at her. Her eyes pleaded me to talk to her.
"Oliver.." I sighed, my voice was like sandpaper. A small gust of wind picked up and blew our hair over our faces, she immediately moved her hair back into place but I just looked at her through my hair which had settled into a slight fringe.
"Oliver..Hmm... I never would have figured you seem more like an...Antonio" I raised my eyebrows and made a disgusted expression she laughed at me.I laughed quietly and she looked up at me eyes filled with wonder. She smiled at me again, what is with this girl and always me?!
"I guess you wont really talk to me, i have trust issues aswell" she said trying to make a joke. I went all serious, she didn't know how quickly she had hit home.
"Okay, Well Sorry if i ramble on and on i have a nact for it " She smiled quickly at me.
"I love the colour red, I'm a Leo, I Love photography, I love sunrises, I hate Liars, when i was little i wanted to be a ballerina and marry a fireman" I looked over at her, confusion was written in my eyes.
"Facts..." she smiled again. The light shon down on me and made her hair shine. I looked over at Jess and watched as her eyes darted around. I smiled slightly at her, making her a bit uncomfortable I smiled slightly at the fact that I made her uncomfortable, i seemed to have that effect on everyone. I watched as she observed me and I noticed she started to bite her lip and she looked at me with such the weirdest expression I have ever seen. Fuck! I was talking to her and smiling near her, i had to get away from here and her. I slowly stood up from where I was sitting and swung my bag over my shoulder, wincing as the straps rested on my cuts. I put my hands in my hoodie pockets, trying to go for the Mysterious-I-don’t-Care-Leave-Me-alone look. Seeing me stand up she quickly stood up beside me aware and gasped at the height difference. I was Tall...taller than most guys.
"What are you doing?" she asked me quickly. I smiled at again and quickly wiped the smile off of my face.
"Leaving" I said quietly.
"Oh God no, Not this again!! What is the matter with you? everytime I go to talk to you, you leave. Its so annoying"
"Well dont talk to me..." I said to her. I looked over at her and saw hurt show in her eyes. I glanced down at her again, my eyes blank and shrugged I Couldn’t afford to have her snooping around in my business Nobody can know.... I took another quick glance at her and walked slowly towards P.E. Hopefully she wouldn’t bother to come back and talk to me or see me, But that one thought. Cut me inside as i realized that...maybe...I wanted to talk to her. Its been years since I last talked to someone or even had a friend.
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Heyyyy You guys....

Hope you like my story...

Please please please keep commenting :)



p.s sorry about the confusion. i made major changes to the story. IM SORRY <3