On My Way

I Love You and That is All I Really Know

Hayden was talking. He was talking non-stop. I suppose he is trying to apologize or explain something. I'm not listening and I wont. I cant take it anymore. What is he saying anyway?
A voice inside me told me to listen to him.

The car started to go faster. Hayden kept talking. "SHUT IT!", my voice cracked and Hayden fell silent.
I took a deep breath. " Alexa.. . I am really sorry, I just lost control! I thought that It would be nice to see Giselle again. I don't know why I had a thought like that! I honestly don't.
I thought, it was going to be just a party! But then. . . I dont know Alexa! I dont know anything , I dont know why I did this! Please forgive me, It was wrong what I did!". Hayden fell silent again. I took another deep breath and started counting to ten : 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 -

- Honestly Hayden, ' I ' am the one who doesnt knows anything! I dont know why I trusted you! I went on this journey to find my friend! Then I met you and ... OH GOD!
- Alexandra-
-Its not Alexandra , ALEXIS!
- I dont care! I am trying to talk to you!
-NO! You've been talking since you got in this car and now it is my time to talk !
- Ok! I am listening!
-When you and Giselle got out of the party, I followed you two into the car and you didnt even recognize me! I entered the car behind you and Giselle, still not recognized! You could just tell me If you wanted to have sex with that bitch!
- Alexa, relax, slow down, I was drunk !

- Uh.. Hayden! I left my school , my family, my friends, my home, I escaped from my life! I wanted to find Aaron, this journey was supposed to be an adventure and I was ready to do all crazy things! But then. . . then I met you! Meeting you was the craziest of all! I wanted to trust you because you were my companion on the road, I was alone and my family wasnt talking to me! I started to like you Hayden! It all happened too fast for me! But I just couldn't help myself. I am the one who doesnt knows anything! Now It's too late and these words I am about to say will ruin my life but ; I love you and thats all I really know!
♠ ♠ ♠
This was a short chapter but I hope you like it ! I am looking forward for comments and I am open to constructive critisism! :)
thanks-keep reading!