On My Way

The Decision

" Alexa! Are you listening?"
" Alexa , you are not listening, are you?"
I sighed. " No Mariah .. I am not.." i said. She sighed too. " What is on your mind?" she asked. But she wouldnt 'be O.K' with it so I didnt answer. " Nothing Mariah.. Nothing!" i murmured. She rolled her eyes and turned on her iPod. I turned on mine too. We stood silent for a minute. My mind was racing.. I could .. Maybe.. I could go and find Aaron, sooner than I thought. I could.. escape! It was a school trip and we were going to have stopovers on the road. And I could..
"Alexa!" . It was Mariah again. I took off the headphones and raised my eyebrows. "What.Is.It?" i said. Alexa grabbed my arm and asked more loudly , " What is racing through your mind??". I sighed again and leaned forward , started whispering;
- Mariah .. look , first I want you to listen, before you comment.. Do you remember my dream about being a journalist and finding Aaron?
- Uhh.. Umm yeah , what about It?
- We are on a trip so I was thinking about... you know when we take a break on the road.. I might ..
- Dont shout ! Shhh..
- Alexa you cant run away, I know what you're planning, you cant do that!
I pressed my lips and gulped.
- Mariah , please I told you not to judge before I'm done explaining!
- God.. what more is there to explain !
- Please.. You have to understand, you are my best friend Mariah, arent you?
- Alexa... I dont understand exactly..
I closed my eyes and tried to relax for a minute. Mariah sounded nervous, was it so bad? Running away? I opened my eyes and took a paper and pen from my luggage. I started writing on my knee , while Mariah watching with eyes wide open:
' Dear Mom and Dad,
I love you both ( and Victoire) but I have to go. This has nothing to do with you guys; I just want to find Aaron (my best friend, remember?) . And you also know about my dream of being a journalist... This is my oppurtunity.. I know that you will be angry and sad but I feel like I have to do this , Its my only chance probably.. I also know that this isnt what you want me to do , but this is my life so let me live it the way I want. Please dont try to find me , please.. I will text you and call you. I'll be back home soon. this is an adventure . Love you mom.. love you dad..
with love, your daughter Machara Aynslie Alexa'
I enfolded the paper and handed it on the Mariah. She turned away. " No , Alexa. No. " she said firmly. I pulled her seatbelt and said , " Mariah, take It!" . She turned to look at me , " Alexa , honestly, are you out of your mind? Im serious, are you? This is a huge risk, you are 'hitting the road', literally. What are you planning? Walking all the way to Ireland?! Please Alexa come to your senses!" .
I thrusted the paper to her hand and she fell silent. I had decided. It was time. No matter how crazy it sounds; I'm gonna run away.
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