Status: Writing when an idea is in my head...

Daughter of Rage and Love

Don't Leave Me

They arrived back at Lillith's house in Billie Joe's car and they made their way to the front door. Lillith opened the door and surprise, surprise; Lardy was in the hallway eating a whole packet of Doritoes to himself. Billie came in after his daughter; closing the door behind him. He stood still after looking upon Lardy; he wanted to throw up.

"So.." Lardy said; crumbs flying from his mouth, "This your new boyfriend?"
"No! He's my ticket outta here!!! Com'on Billie!" She said as she ran up the stairs. She turned the corner at the top and barged through her stickered graffitied door; she sat herself on her half made bed and sighed. Billie edged away from Lardy who was giving him the evils and joined Lillith in her room.

"Phew...Is he always like that? He needs to learn some manners." Billie said as he kicked the door shut, "So, this is your place."
"Yep." Lillith said as she hopped off the bed. She walked over to Billie and bit her lip. Her obsession with Green Day could be seen everywhere; posters from mags and anime pictures of the band were pasted on the red walls; Kerrang! mags littered her bed and CD's were either in their case on a shelf or opened out on the desk next to the hi-fi. Many of the lyric booklets were out of the cases sprawled across the desk; their pages evident of greasy fingerprints and a few tears. Lillith would often riffle through the pages; studying the timeless rebellious poetry. They spoke so many things in such little quantity; she analysed many of the songs; trying to get into BJ's head. The same mind which was standing in her room.

"Guilty." Lillith said as she held her hand up.
"It's ok. I don't mind. Everyone has to have an obsession." Billie said as he held her hand, "Have you seen me play?"
"Countless times. I even went to see you live once and you invited me up on stage and I sang Longview with you." She said remembering that unbelievable summer day. She was excited on the date; she almost threw up with joy. She screamed so loud in the pit that she was amazed she could sing at all on stage.


I remembered Billie pulling me out of the mosh pit and handing me the mic. Beej waved to Tre and the drums started their jazzy beat. Mike came in a few seconds later with the bass and it's seductive subtle tones.
"I sit around watchin' the tube but nothings on. I change the channels for an hour or two." I began to sing, "Twiddle my thumbs just for a bit. I'm sick of all the same old shit."
"In a house with unlocked doors and I'm fucking lazy!" Billie and I sang in sync. Our voices rang out across the stadium; the sounds melting into a gorgeous melody. We both sounded the same; yet different as well. We had gotten through the whole song; not a note wrong. Before I was put back in my place in the pit; I gave a hug to Billie Joe and kissed him on the lips. "I love you." I whispered into his ear. I was then back in the audience via a stage dive.


"That was you?" Billie asked as he remembered the gig as well. Lillith shook her head affirmatively and smiled, "Yep that was me."
"No kidding? Didn't you have red hair back then?" He asked her really shocked.
"Yeah. It was a great gig. Awesome in fact." She said shyly, her cheeks turning red themselves.
"Come here." Billie lovingly said as he wrapped his arms tightly around his daughter. Lillith put her arms around him; her cheek against his chest. He laid his head gently on hers and tears started to pool in his eyes.
"I'm so sorry Lillith. I'm so sorry. I'll try and make it up to you...I'm sorry..." BJ cried softly into his little girls black hair, "Please say you'll forgive me. I'm such a bad father."
"No your not! You're more than I could of dreamed of." Lillith protested in a whisper.
"But I've left you alone and I've deserted you. How can I make up for that?" He sobbed as he took in the scent of her onyx locks and natural perfume.
"But you were always with me. Your music is the one thing that has kept me alive. Stop blaming yourself." She said assertedly as she looked into her dad's crying eyes. She wiped away his tears with her finger; Lillith then kissed him on the cheek.