Status: Writing when an idea is in my head...

Daughter of Rage and Love

Chocolate Rain

Lillith woke up again. This time it was half eight on a Tuesday. Tuesday 5th July 2010. Weird but logical. The day after Independance. One of the major dates in America. She always felt weird on the 5th. As if the glow of history had just completely washed out of her and she was left with the sense of everyday life. But that day wasn't ordinary. Well by Lillith's standards anyway. Maybe for the rest of her family but not for her. When she opened her eyes she half expected to see her ginger cat sleeping lazily on her head; but instead of seeing an onslaught of orange fur she saw a mass of curly brown hair. She sat up and looked at her sleeping brother again.

"Morning Joey." She whispered.
"Wha? Oh it's you. Morning to you too." Joey said as he sat up and rubbed his eyes.
Lillith giggled and jumped out of bed, taking the duvet with her.
"Hey give that back!" He said in cute protest.
"Here you go!" She said as she draped it over his head, "You look like a ghost!"
Ghost-Joey shook his fist and made his sister laugh some more. Then there was knock at the bedroom door. Adie came through wearing her dressing gown and slippers.
"Lillith? Joe- Joey? What are you doing?" She asked in bewilderment.
"I is pretending to be a" Ghost-Joey said in his ghoul voice.
"Take it off dear please."
"Fine." He said again. This time he crossed his arms and Lillith had to keep her mouth shut or she would collapse with giggles.
"Erm, what was I saying? Oh yes. Can you two come into the kitchen? We need to have a family discussion." Adie said in a worried tone, "And can you get washed and dressed please?"
"Sure thing." Lillith said.
"That includes you ghouly or I'll get the ghostbusters on you!"

Adie closed the door and Lillith turned and picked up her suitcase. She collected her clothes from yesterday and made them into a neatish bundle. She then ripped off Joey's supernatural cloak of cotton and duck down and asked him where the bathroom was.
"Erm... I'll show you."

He walked down the hallway with Lillith in tow and pointed out rooms for her.
"Well that's Jakob's room over there..." He indicated on his right, "And that's Mom and Dad's up ahead. And here is the bathroom."
Joseph stopped outside a door with a sign on it. It read; Dookie area. Watch out for Chocolate Rain!
"Who's idea was it for the sign?" Lillith asked him.
Uncle Tre. Who do you think?
What Lillith?
"I can hear you but...but..."
But what?
"Your mouth isn't moving."
"Yes it is." Joey said, "Probably your imagination. Well, as they say, ladies first."

Lillith had a shower and got dressed whilst in the bathroom. She stepped out with curly black red tipped hair smelling of strawberries with a body clean of sweat and dirt. She cleaned her teeth and brushed her hair; but it did no good; it was still curly. She walked into her brothers bedroom moaning in her head.
...if only I brought my straightners!!!!
I think you look nice with curly hair.
"Did you mean what you just said?" Lillith asked him as she walked over to him.
"Er...What did I say?" He asked.
"You said 'I think you look nice with curly hair.'"
"No I didn't. I haven't said anything." Joey said in defiance.
"Hmm..."What is going on here?