Status: Writing when an idea is in my head...

Daughter of Rage and Love

Brain Stew

"Good morning you two! Did you have a nice sleep Lillith?" Asked Billie who was sat at the breakfast bar in the kitchen. He took a sip of his coffee and looked at his daughter.
"Yeah I did. Slept like a log."
You liar. You woke me up!
Well I'm so sorry your majesty
"How about you Joey?" Billie asked his son.
"Meh, average." Please don't tell him's gonna freak 'em out, "I had a nice dream though."
"What was it about?" His father asked him.
"An angel."
Thanks a lot Joseph Marciano.
Hey! You had the same dream too! He has a right to know.
Yeah but it's too weird!
"Is there something going on between you two? You haven't fallen out have you?" Billie asked in a worried tone. He was bound to be worried. Maybe even a little freaked out. His son and daughter were stood there facing each other; Lillith looking angry and scared whilst Joey looked pleading and frightened. Their expressions kept on changing; as though they were having a contraversial conversation but there were no words. None of them uttered a word.
Why Joey? Why'd you have to go and tell him? Now he's gonna think I'm a complete weirdo and chuck me out!
Well I'm sorry Lillith but I didn't mean to. I never keep secrets from Dad. He needs to know about what we have at least.
Don't you dare tell him about what happened last night.
You mean the ki-
I DO MEAN THE KISS!!! It was an accident ok?
But I kissed you, it wasn't your fault.
It doesn't matter. We just gotta figure it out and see how this works...

"Uh...Kids? Is there something I should know about?"Billie said feeling a bit left out.
Don't tell him Joey. Or I'll kill you in your sleep...
I know you're only kidding.
I mean it. Lillith was giving Joey the evils. And trust me. Lillith could give you the creeps with her evil eyes.
"Well there isn't anything really Dad. We were just goofing around. Now about this family discussion." Joey said keeping his tone light.
"Ah yes. I remember. Can you go get your Mom?" Billie asked his son.
"Sure thing." And with that he wandered around the corner.
Billie Joe patted the stool next to him and Lillith perched herself on top of it.

"So...What was that all about with Joey?" He asked her.
"Oh nothing. You know, just plain goofing around...hehe...Anyway, what did you want to talk about?"
"Well, I just wanted to ask if the whole family would like you permanately over. Y'know, so we can fully think it out and make a commitment. 'Cause by rights your still not my daughter until we get the right papers signed."
"Oh yeah. Bummer. Still means I'm Lilly Smith then." Lillith sighed.
"Lilly Smith?"
"Yeah. My foster parents never liked my real name. As soon as they signed the adoption papers they called me Lilly. I was only 10 when I thought Lilly sucked so I made up Lillith. You know why? 'Cause Lillith was Adam's supposed first wife, a seductress and demoness."
"And that was what I was thinking when I named you." Came from behind Lillith.
"Morning Mom!" Lillith said as she jumped out of her stool and gave her a hug. Adrienne hugged back and brushed the curly fringe out of her daughters eyes.
"Your father always said to me while I was pregnant with you that he'd always give the baby a name begining with a 'J'. He had Jose, Josie, Josephina and he even went to the extent of Jelly didn't you honey."
"Sure did. I've always liked Jemima as a girls name..." Billie said as he pondered on his thoughts.
"Well anyway since he wasn't there I got to name you. And thank God I did. Josie Armstrong..." Adie said trailing off.
"Hey don't diss!" Billie said in outburst.
"Don't diss what?" Joey asked as he rounded the corner.
"My ability to choose baby names."
"You're rubbish at names. They always begin with a 'J'." Joey said.
"I.e: JESUS of Surbubia, East JESUS Nowhere, St.JIMMY, JINX..." Lillith said.
"Ok ok ok. We get the idea. I have a fixation with the letter 'J'. Now let's start our discussion." Billie said.
"We're missing Jakob though." Adie said motherly.

Within five minutes the Armstrong family were sat around the breakfast bar, including Jakob, having a discussion on Lillith's future. Within fifeteen minutes Billie had set out a plan as follows:
a) get Lillith's foster parents to sign the papers which would make Lillith an orphan.
b) sign the adoption papers to make Lillith part of the family.
c) acquire birth certificates and other official documents.
d) make room for Lillith. (i.e. she can't sleep forever on the couch. Or get bigger house)
e) get Lillith into the local school
f) get to know her more...
And it was all written on a post-it note; each task written with a little tick box beside it.

"Step number one guys. Step number one." And with that Billie Joe walked through the front door to be greeted with an onslaught of bright electric light.
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Sorry for not uploading for a while.