Status: Writing when an idea is in my head...

Daughter of Rage and Love

Letter Bomb

"Holy mother FUDGE!" Lillith shouted. She put her hands on her head and then over her ears as she paced down the record shop aisle.
"This can't be happening... This isn't real... I'm dreaming... I had a mental breakdown in my sleep and I've not woken up." She kept on muttering as she kept her eyes closed.
"Someone SLAP ME! I'm dreaming. Billie Joe is not standing next to me and he did not give me a free ride and he certainly didn't ring me up on Sunday. It isn't the 4th of July and I should be in school being bullied and picked on by Lucas." Lillith said hysterically. She walked over to Billie and hugged him tightly around the waist.
Billie Joe wrapped his arms lovingly around Lillith; laying his head on hers.

"It's okay. I didn't mean to scare you..." Billie whispered. Lillith closed her eyes once more; I'm dreaming. Billie Joe is always in my dreams. There is no other explanation, Lillith thought in her confused insane head. She tore herself away from Billie and kept edging backwards away from him.
Billie was hurting; he had his first ever hug from his only daughter to be ended with foul retreat. Billie was close to tears; he was real. As real as me or you; as real as the sky above or the ground below. His heart became complete with the loving family embrace; but it was punctured with Lillith's self denial.
Lillith sat down on the floor; she closed her crying eyes. She wanted to be home; she wanted to be with reality; to be with her brutish brother and ignorant parents. She wanted to be at school; she wanted pain. She always believed she needed to be somewhere perfect; but when she was given it so freely; Lillith knew there had to be a catch.
It was like smoking marijuana; it took you to a good happy crazy place; Lillith was expecting to go rock bottom at any second; but it didn't come.

Billie Joe sat next to her; he wrapped an arm around her. She brought her knees up to her chest and put her head against Billie's chest.
"Why me?" Couldn't you have picked on someone else?" She asked sobbing.
"No. It had to be you." Billie chuckled.
"But why? I'm no one special." She whimpered; it was muffled by Billie's tear-sodden t-shirt.
"You are though. You're my daughter." Billie confessed in a whisper.
"But you only had two kids, Jakob and Joseph. I can't be yours." Lillith said in disbelief; the truth not quite sinking in.
"Just look. Your 'Mom' has blue eyes and blond hair. Your 'brother' is the same. And then there's you, black haired and green eyed. I bet your bottom dollar your hair goes curly if it gets wet. 'Cause mine does." He questioned her.
"It does. I look like a bloody poodle. I've always wondered if I've been adopted because I was so different." Lillith said as she wiped away her tears.
"Mm-hm. I guess since you're such a big Green Day fan you can work this out. How old is Joey?" Billie Joe asked her.
"He's about 14 years old." Lillith answered truthfully.
"And how old are you?" He asked.
"I'm 14."
"I'm Joey's twin sister?!?!"
"But that can't be possible. I was born Lillith Smith on the 30th of February 1995 at 7pm." Lillith protested.
"You're missing something. You were born as Lillith Athena Armstrong, same time, same date as Joey. On the 28th of February, one minute after he was born. You were twins, but you got separated at birth." Billie explained.
"Let's just get this straight. I now have a rock star dad, two new brothers, one of which is a twin and a whole new mother and a middle name which I never knew I had. This is complicated." Lillith Athena said as she put two fingers against each of her temples.
"Lillith, I am your dad if you like it or not and Adrienne is your biological mother." Billie said authoritatively.
"I know but how come I was separated?" She asked as tears came back.
"You and Joey were born at around about the same time. Joey came out first followed by you. Adrienne always presumed she'd only have one child and she told me that. Even the scans and the doctors said we'd only have one baby. We weren't expecting two of them!" Billie lightly chuckled, "But when you both were born, Adie couldn't bear tell me I had two kids. She thought having two kids would stop me from what I wanted to do. She thought in her head, that having a son would be better."
"So she dumped me at the hospital and fled. I get it now. I'm the forgotten one. The useless one." Lillith said bitterly.
"No Lillith. You're not useless. You're wonderful. If I had known I had twins I would have kept you. Adie signed the adoption papers before I could even look upon your face. I'm sorry." Billie Joe apologized.
"You don't have to apologize. It's my fault for being born." She whispered as she stood up.
"Please don't be like that Lillith." Billie pleaded as he stood by her side. He snaked his hand around hers and intertwined her fingers with his together.
"Just go away please. I need to be alone!" She screamed as she ripped her hand away from his. She made a start for the door and ran out onto the street. She ran past her fathers car; kicking the back wheel in rage. She ran on and on; tears streaming from her eyes; she didn't know where she was going; soon her face fell onto the pavement.

"Lillith? Where is she? Lillith?" Billie shouted as he ran down the street. He kept on running; suddenly he stopped stock still; the sight of blood made him gip.
"Lillith! Are you alright?" He asked frantically as he crouched over his bleeding daughter.
"I'm... fine..." Lillith stammered. She sat up and felt immediatly dizzy and sick. She reached up to her head; she felt the huge gnash on her forehead and cringed at the stinging. She drew her hand back in pain; Lillith looked at her blood stained fingers. Lillith looked down at her legs; her knees were covered in red bloody grazes. Her hands had slight scratches aswell.

"We need to get you cleaned up." Billie said as he wrapped an arm around her. He put an arm under her legs and lifted her up bridal style.
"You know you don't have to do this. I can walk." Lillith stated blushing.
"I know. But I wanted to do it." Billie replied. He kept on walking, finding his way back to his 'pile of crap'.
"You're blushing." Billie said as he looked down at his daughter.
"I know. It's just every girls dream to be picked up by their all time favourite person in the whole wide world whilst they're bleeding their face off."
"Isn't it just. So, you obsess about me?" He asked curtly.
"A little. I mean a lot. I've always been a fan of your band and you know... I fantasize about you." Lillith confessed as she intertwined her fingers together.
"In what way?" He asked a little shocked.
"You know. Usual fan girl stuff... like kissing you and holding hands..." She said her cheeks becoming redder and redder.
"Don't go any further. I don't want to know." Billie said stubbornly.
"Okay then... ow, ow, ow. Ah that hurts." Lillith said as Billie unlocked the car and placed her on the back seat.
"Ok. I'll just go get the first aid kit. Stay here." Billie said before walking round to the boot.
"Well duh..." Lillith moaned under her breath.
"I heard that!" Billie said from the back. He soon came back with a travel-sized first aid kit in his hand.

"Alright, which one hurts the most?" Billie asked his wounded daughter.
"Uh... the one on my forehead. I think." She replied. Billie opened the fabric bag and retrieved a packet of wet wipes.
"Ok, this might sting a little." Billie said before pressing the cool cloth to her forehead.
"Yes it does. Ow." Lillith said through gritted teeth. Billie Joe carefully wiped the blood away; hygienically removing all the dirt and bacteria. He then found a large band aid and applied it to her ravaged wound. He brushed her fringe back into place after kissing her forehead.
"Thank-you." Lillith said innocently.
"I haven't finished yet!" Billie said as he got a new wet wipe, "Never praise a job that's only half done!"
"I guess you'll be smooching my knees next." She stated as he made work on her grazed legs.
"If you wish." He replied.
"Please don't." Lillith giggled.
"Ok, that should do it." Billie said as he put a plaster over each knees' graze, "What about your hands?"
Lillith showed them palms up; Billie inspected them with a careful eye.
"Ah, they'll be fine. They've already got a scab." He said lovingly.
"Thank you... Dad." Lillith whispered just before Billie gave her a kiss on the lips.