Status: Writing when an idea is in my head...

Daughter of Rage and Love

2000 Light Years Away

Lillith was sat in the back of Billie Joe's car; fingers pressed against her foreheads band-aid to ease the pain and help her think.
All those years I missed. All the time I could of had with him. To think I spent so many years in the dark. Green Day was the one thing I could enjoy and look forward to; and now, I'm truly a part of it. I now have a family; one that truely cares. I can have a real mother and father; who'll be there and won't ignore me. Who'll encourage me and help me. No more Lardy Larry. No more of the Smiths. No more of the old Lillith. It'll be the new me from now on. Lillith Athena Armstrong; not boring mediocre Lillith 'Lily' Smith.
Athena. Goddess of war and wisdom. But I hate fighting! And I'm not clever, I'm average. Yet I'm great at writing and music; art too. Maybe I'm wise in that sense.
Adrienne is my mother. My real mom. I can't wait to meet her. What if she doesn't like me? Or the boys for that matter. What if they all hate me and don't want me anymore?

It was becoming all to much for Lillith to think about. She opened her eyes up and looked out of the car window. Billie Joe was leaning against the car having a conversation on the phone.
"Hi Adie!" Billie said as his wife picked up.
"Hey Billie. Have you got her?" Adrienne asked into the receiver.
"Yeah I got her. She's fine. She had a little fall but she's good now." He replied.
"Oh, ok. What have you been doing?" Adie said as she coiled the telephone wire around her hand.
"We just went into Dave's. Remember when we went in there?" Billie asked her.
"Yeah... we made out in the cassette section."She giggled blushing.
"We should do that again sometime. Well I'll get some lunch and we should be back soon. Hey, how about we let her sleep over for the night? You know, so the boys get well acquinted?" Billie asked.
"Ok sure. I'll get a bed or something ready. Make sure you get PJ's and stuff." Adie confirmed.
"Ok. We'll be back in about an hour. See ya later Adie. Love you."
"I love you too."
"Oh, by the way, according to Dave, we made one good looking kid." Billie said smiling ear to ear.
"Oh you! Get off of the phone!" Adrienne joked as she hung up on him.

Billie sighed. Nothing had changed between him and his rather beautiful wife. They both were deeply in love, they both acted like teenagers and had a deep relationship. From that very first gig in Minnesota, Billie Joe started to rapidly fall; Adrienne caught his eye whilst in the ten-strong audience enjoying the show. She liked the look of Billie Joe; who wouldn't like the frontman of a semi-successful band?
Adrienne was personally a lover of punk rock music and really the songs Green Day were playing. She snook backstage and found their tourbus; Adrienne asked to see him and he let her.
Billie remembered the affair quite clearly in his head; in fact he dreamed about it each night.


"Hello? Um hi!" Said the nervous young woman before me.
"Uh hi, so what's your name?" I asked shyly.
"I'm Adrienne. Or Adie. I don't mind." She gushed, "That was a great set. I liked it."
"Ah thanks. I'm Billie Joe. Or Billie. I don't mind." I said with cheeky smile.
"You're funny." She giggled.
"And kinda cute." Adie muttered under her breath.
"I'm what?" I asked as I stepped a little closer.
"Um nothing." She lied. Her cheeks were getting redder and redder. I could hear her very fast heartbeat amongst the deafening awkward silence. I looked into her eyes; she looked into mine...

It couldn't be happening but it was. I was in the bands tourbus being awkward and teen-like. I was 20 years old for God's sake and yet I was acting like a love-sick fan girl! All I wanted to know was where I could get their CD from. Wake up! And say something! I shouted in my head.
"Um... ah... could I have your phone number?" I said blushing even more, adrenaline pumping trough me.
That's not what I wanted! Oh!! You slack tart!!!! Get the CD!!! My brain kept on shouting. I ignored its commands and mental torture; I smiled as Billie retrieved his cell phone from his pocket.
"Er, one second. Do you have a piece of paper or anything?" He asked from behind the light up cell phone.
"Um no. I have a sharpie somewhere I think..." I said as I searched my drainpipe pockets. I found the pen and gave it over to him. He took it with a smile and he suddenly took his red tie off. He tied it around my wrist in a bow and wrote his number on one of the lapels.
"1768...354978... There!" Billie said as he wrote his name next to the digits. 1768 354978 - Billie Joe - Green Day xxx.
"Thank you." I said shyly.
"Can I have yours?" Billie asked as he stepped even closer. I knew he could hear my heartbeat; it was growing faster and louder by the second; any minute now my heart would of burst out of my chest.
"Um, sure. I'll write it on your hand." I said as I got even closer to him; almost touching him in fact. I could feel his body warmth and his breathing on my cheeks. I noticed how briliant green his eyes were; like a living, glimering, liquid emerald; framed by heavy, tired lids. He looked exhausted; I guessed it was because of the bright lights and awesome show he just put on.
"Here you are." He said as he handed back my sharpie.

I really wanted to kiss her in that instant for some strange reason; but I held back because I thought it would be to weird. She held my hand as she wrote her number on the back of it. The felt pen tip tickled; it reminded me of the tattoists pen for some absurd reason. I thought of it as a tattoo, something I would keep for ever more, something to remind myself of the beautiful woman next to me. I gazed into her brown eyes again; her smile capturing me in a day dream like state. Her body started to subtly nervously shake; like she really wanted to ask or tell me something.
"Uh... I should go now. You look tired." She stammered.
"No, no. Stay...please. For me. Please." I pleaded.
"I can't, I promised my friends I'd be back home by 11." Adie gushed.
"I'll walk you home. I'm sure the guys won't mind." I said as I wrapped my arm around her shoulders. We eventually left the tourbus and headed down the street away from the gig; my arm still around her body. As we sweeped the black, night riden streets of Minnasota we got talking; she said she was doing a college course and she asked me if I was doing anything academic.
"Well... I dropped out of school. Day before my birthday actually. You know... being stuck in a school full of nerds and jocks ain't my thing. I had to get out. See the world; play in my band. I'm still young you know, but I'm old enough to have a life." I stated a little embarresed.
"It's okay though. I had nothing else to do. It was either college or getting a full time job. I guess I wasn't ready." Adie said shyly, "But look at you! You've got a band and a career. You're doing what you love."
"Aren't you doing something you love?" I asked.
"I'm doing human sexuality. It's basically the teacher saying that the vagina is mightier than the penis." She joked half serious.
"Really? I'm missing out here!" I chuckled.
"No worries, I'll sneak you in. Well this is my place, I guess I better leave you in peace." She said sadly.
"Ok..." I sighed; but I didn't let go of her; in fact I held her tighter. I wrapped both arms around her body in a snug hug. I bent down and kissed her briefly on the lips.