Status: Writing when an idea is in my head...

Daughter of Rage and Love

Best Thing In Town

"Mom, who is this girl?" Jakob asked his mother who was baking a cake.
"She's from outta town and she's very special." Adrienne replied as she put a layer of white icing on the cake.
"Is she a princess or something?" He asked persistantly.
"Er... No. She's like you or me." She answered as she piped some red stripes across it.
"So why is she coming over?" He asked whilst some butter cream from the mixing bowl.
"oi you! She's coming over because she's family and she's been invited." Adie said as she iced some white stars on a blue part of the cake.
"Family? Like a cousin?" Jake said as he licked his fingers clean.
"Yeah, something like that." She sighed, "Finished! What do you think?"
"It's good. It's making me feel pretty hungry." He commented as he judged the US flag-shaped cake.
"Do you think Lillith will like it?" She asked her spoon licking son.
"If the rest is as good as this icing, She's bound to love it."
"Thank you Jake. Do you know where Joey is?"
"I think he's in the living room." Jake replied. Adie walked through the house until she came to the lounge; and sure enough Joseph Marciano Armstrong was found lazing on the sofa playing his DS.

"Hey Joey."
"Hi Mom."
"I was just wondering, would you mind if Lillith stayed in your room for the night?"
"Er...I don't mind. We can't have her on the couch. It's mine."
"Ok sweetie."


"Ok then, one beef burger and fries and one veggie burito. Anything else sir?" The diner waitress asked.
"Erm, what would you like Lillith?" Billie Joe asked the black haired girl opposite him.
"Um, I would like coca cola please." Lillith answered.
"Ok, we'll have two cokes please." Billie said to the coffee-bearing waitress.
"Ok, thank you sir."She said before disappearing behind the bar.

"You're a vegetarian?!?!" Billie asked in disbelief.
"Yeah. I absolutely hate animal cruelty. They're equals, they have a right to life." Lillith protested.
"I'm guessing you're a member of PETA as well." He joked.
"I am actually."
"What?! Now I guess you're gonna tell me you've got pets coming out your ass."
"No. I have a cat called Mouse."
"You gotta be kidding me..." Billie chuckled.
"Y'know, it's all because of you."
"How?" He asked as the waitress came near; she placed the metal tray on the table and served the drinks, "Thank you."
"Your music. It has always inspired me to do what's right. You made me into a punk. Because of you I'm a rebellious bitch with no friends." Lillith confessed before she took a sip of coke.

"Y'know, if you turned out to be a pop princess, I'd still love you the same. But I'd have to brainwash you though."
"Don't worry. The brainwashing is already done."
"So... what do you think of my last album?" Billie asked hopeful.
"21st Century Breakdown? It was great! Lots of fab songs and riffs but it wasn't my favourite album." She said truthfully.
"It wasn't? Which one is your fave then?"
"It would have to be Nimrod. Lots of bass. Plenty of swearing and just enough drag." Lillith said coyly with a smile. Billie Joe rolled his eyes and sighed.
"But don't get me wrong, American Idiot and 21st Century Breakdown are brilliant albums and I love them. But I like the old Green Day better. There was anger and frustration and humour. You didn't care about the world. But now you do and you went all pop on us." She said whilst looking into her fathers green eyes. The waitress came back with the hot food and set it out in front of them.
"I'm sorry... Maybe you could write some lyrics for me?" He asked before eating some fries.

"Ok..." She said before looking over to the diner bar. She noticed their waitress talking to a tall guy with blonde hair wearing chefs overalls. He turned around and looked in her direction. She instantly recognised him; it was Mike Dirnt. She had wondered why her dad had taken her to Rudy's Can't Fail Cafe; she realized that Mike part owned the successful diner in uptown Berkeley. She remembered reading about it on the internet when she was having one of those obsessive 'Green Days'; days when she would spend researching about each band member in detail. She'd trail Google Earth for each of their houses; scour Youtube for funny interviews; riffle through fansite archives. Her head was filled with so much info about all of them; some of it turning into fanfic and others into dreams. Never did she realise she was researching about her own father.

Mike walked over to their table; Lilllith noticed his angry but collected swagger and the intricate tattoos revealed by his rolled up sleeves. She saw his trademark icy blue eyes and unmistakable ear studs. His eyes were filled with anger and yet he seemed calm and friendly.
"Hello Billie." Mike snarled. I'm your worst nightmare...
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I haven't uploaded on Mibba for a while.... BUT I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!