Status: Writing when an idea is in my head...

Daughter of Rage and Love

Extraordinary Girl

"Hello Mike." Billie Joe said pleasantly.
"Could we talk, outside?" Mike hissed.
"Ok sure. Eat up ok?" Billie said as he stood up.
"Ok." Lillith answered.

Billie walked out of the diner and out onto the street. He slumped against a graffitied brick wall and sighed. Mike soon followed after and stood in front of him.
"So who is she? She your new flame? Your new thing? Adie not good enough for ya?" Mike questioned making himself look big and powerful; each word he said dripping with venom and hatred.
"NO! No way! She's nothing like that!" Billie shouted back; anger evident in his emerald eyes, "I would never do anything to her like that. That's just sick Mike."
"Then who is she?" Mike asked sternly.
"She's my... She's my... She's my daughter OK?" Billie confessed in a loud voice.
"Your daughter? Oh you didn't! You haven't have you? You sick twisted bastard!" Mike cursed, "Who was it this time?"
"It's no one! She's mine and Adie's ok? Just look at her! Who does she remind you of?!?" Billie asked furious; he raised an arm in Lillith's direction.

Dirnt looked through the diner window at the eating Lillith. He saw the black semi-dread-locked hair and green eyes; he noticed the cute roundness of her cheeks; her petite Billie-like size.
"Adrienne." Mike muttered, "How is that even possible?"
"Lillith is Joseph's twin sister. They were separated at birth. I was only told the truth about a week ago. You're one of the first I've told." Billie said quietly.
"I'm so sorry BJ. I didn't mean to shout. Let's just go back inside and forget about it ok?" Mike apologized.
"Thank you, sure. You owe me." Billie said as he embraced him in a manly bear hug. Dirnt wrapped a muscular tattooed arm around his best friend's shoulders and lead him back into the Berkeley diner. Armstrong sat back in his booth opposite his daughter and Mike said hi.

"Hi Mike." Lillith said blushing a tiny bit. She gazed into his icy blue eyes and found herself inviting him to sit down. Mike promptly sat down next to her; squishing her a little bit. Her dad and Mike struck up a conversation; like they were two normal geezers at a bar. Lillith sat and wondered how the people of Berkeley could live a normal life whilst they knowingly had three punk rock gods roaming around the streets. For years Lillith dreamed of sitting next to Mike and Billie and it was happening; her two all time heroes were sitting with her, dining with her, even talking to her. Her wildest dreams were coming true; she must of died and went to heaven. Either that or she was having her 'Last Night on Earth'; a time when her dying wishes were given to her like birthday presents.

Lillith noticed Mike had casually hung an arm over her shoulders; his manly hand resting on her petite shoulder.
"So it's true, bass players do have big hands..." She thought out loud.
"What?!?" Dirnt said puzzled.
"Er nothing, nothing. Just daydreaming." She replied snapping out of her daze.
"So Lillith was saying we should have more bass on the next album and a lot more swearing." Billie said to Mike.
"I'm up for that. Anything else Lil?" Mike asked her.
He gave me a nickname?!?! That's so cool!!!!! Lillith thought wildly.
"Hm... you could have more tracks like Last of The American Girls and Horseshoes and Handgrenades. Those were great. Plus you could go all Gilman on us and do some Dookie stuff. Songs like When I Come Around and Basket Case. New and old." She replied rationally after taking a sip of coke, "More Tre stuff. And more of Mike I say."
"Alright. I think we have an album. What do you think BJ?" Mike asked exhilarated.
"Er...I'm liking the idea. New and old. We could have Dookie style riffs and solo's with American Idiot like lyrics." Billie suggested.
"With Warning bass rhythms and Nimrod drum beats." Lillith added with a smile.

"Awesome! This is gonna be great!" Dirnt said extremely excited, "I gotta ring Tre!"
And with that Mike walked away from the two Armstrongs with a noticeable spring in his step.
"What was that?" Billie Joe asked in disbelief.
"I think I just gave you an album idea."