Sequel: Written in Poison.
Status: Completed! Sequal;; Written in Poision. (:

Written in Blood.


Name's Cassie.

If anyone calls me by my full name of Cascada, unless I'm in deep shit, they will get punched in the face.

I don't take shit from anyone. Especially the preps.

I take solitude, music, poetry, and fiction as my getaway.

Seven hours a day I'm locked up in seven classes with about thirty people I can't stand. Aparently we're getting a newbie, which is unusual.

Doesn't matter to me anyways. I'm not a people person.

Sure hope he doesn't call me Cascada or piss me off. That'll make one hell of a first day.

© 2010 BloodyBlackRose13.
  1. Poetry.
  2. Funny, I'm Not Used to Seeing You.
    All Around Me (acoustic), Flyleaf♥
  3. Sorrow.
    By Flyleaf♥
  4. Attacked.
  5. You Make Me Wanna Scream.
    La La by Ashlee Simpson♥
  6. I Swear I'll Bite Your Head Off.
    Outta My Head by Ashlee Simpson♥
  7. You're Kidding Me, Right?
  8. I Rage Against Everything That You Do.
    Swept Away by Flyleaf♥
  9. Don't Act Surprised That I Just Love To Hate You.
    Situations by Escape the Fate♥
  10. Ice Cream Wars.
  11. And Now It's Too Late To Save You This Time.
    Bury Me Alive by We Are The Fallen♥♥♥ Epic chapterr.
  12. You Know That I Love You Boy, Hot Like Mexico, Rejoice.
    Alejandro by Lady Gaga♥
  13. Awakening.
  14. You Are the Dark, I'm the Vampire.
    Vampire by People in Planes♥ Go figure. Haha.
  15. Written in Blood.
    Bwahaha, I'm ending it here and doing a sequal ;D