Fueled by Ryan

Chapter 6

“Patrick, why the heck is Pete here? He messes everything up.” I whispered in Patrick’s ear, door still locked and still in his arms.

“Because he is my best friend, sure he messes some stuff up but not everything.” He whispered back looking at me while I diverted my gaze. I looked out the slightly open window and saw two blue birds in a nest. I watched as they chirped at each other, and I guess showed they cared. I felt myself blush, “You okai Bridge?” Patrick asked.

“Yea, I’m fine Trick.” I said looking him in the eyes. “Just per--,” I was interrupted by his lips creeping in towards mine and kissing. My hand held on to the back of his hat and I smiled through the kiss, I was enjoying myself. There was a knock on the door then jiggling of the knob. Finally, a huge pound.

“Guys, this isn’t fair! I wanna see you two make out!” An angry Pete shouted from behind the locked door. I laughed and pulled Patrick down on to the bed and kissed him harder. “I know you two are about to do it! Patrick, don’t fall in to her trap!” Pete shouted laughing. I smiled as Patrick untied my pajama pants strings and I undid his. “You know you…” I heard and the rest I didn’t hear, how could you when the man of your dreams was about to have sex with you for the second time? His pants slipped down with ease and mine as well. He smiled and pulled away for a breath.

“Do you really want to do this?” He asked almost silently.

“Yea…” I smiled so did Patrick. He came back in for a kiss and I kissed back as well. It went on for hours it seemed. We pulled apart when we would hear loud bangs and shouting like, “You guys have been at it forever, breathe people breathe!” Otherwise, we went almost all day. Until that is, I got hungry.