Isolated Youth

  1. Part 1 - Sudden Rebelling
    Chloe; sick and tired of her over bearing parents finally decided to pack her bags and take off to Kenora. A small city two hours away from winnipeg and also the home to her new crushie; Keagen, the cute boy she met online.
  2. Part 2 - Goodbye
    Loranne is Chloe's mother; she is a very sweet and caring Christian lady. But what happens when she comes home and Chloes gone with nothing but a small peice of paper saying goodbye?
  3. Part 3 - Escape Route
    Chloe finally wakes up but what she sees terrifies her more than words could express. Time is ticking and Chloe's chance to escape is growing shorter.
  4. Part 4 - Age Of Consent
    Two days passed by since Chloe's disappearance and still her parents had found nothing. The police were no help either, saying that legally Chloe was old enough to make her own decision on whether or not she wanted to live at home.
  5. Part 5 - Golden Watch
    For hours Chloe attempted to free herself from what could become a gruesome fate but nothing seemed to work. The more she struggled to worse off she became as her strength to fight back grew thinner.