Status: Completed

Irrational and Stupid

238th and 1st day

I love him She thinks to herself I fucking love him tears slip down her face while she watches the boy kiss the other girl.
A small sob escapes her, she runs towards her tree, the place they always used to go. She looks over the carvings in the tree 'S+A' in a little heart, 'I promise, 4ever Babe :)', '4ever and Always'. Her fingers traced the carvings slowly, until they hit the newest one 'Goodbye Skylar, I love you. Love, Andrew'. Tears rush down her face as she remembers the day her life changed....

“Skylar!” Her best friend Raine called out, “Took you long enough, I have someone I want you to meet! He's Gorgeous!”
“Raine, not another guy, I'm sick of guys, can't I have a summer with out a 'summer romance'?” Skylar was anything but excited to meet the new 'boy toy' Raine just discovered.
“Come on, there is no obligation for you to like him, but he's just your type!” Raine said with one of her huge trademark smiles, “Emo styled hair, he's big into music, slightly shy, but still outgoing, and definitely ready to have a good time,”
“Fine, I'll meet this guy, but I'm not going to like it,” Skylar fell behind while her eccentric friend skipped ahead. This is going to be fun She though sarcasticly to herself. Skylar has always been a loner type, she'd try anything to blend in. But she still stood out in a crowd. She had a flawless pale complexion, paired with naturally straight black hair, and piercing blue eyes(although no one sees them cause she keeps her head down).
“Hurry up,” Raine encourages her to go faster, “He's waiting to meet you! He's über excited to meet you!”
“Yeah, just like the other twenty guys you introduce me to each summer,” She mumbled to her self. It was true, Raine had a way to explain Skylar, that made her seem like some kind of sex goddess. The thing was she was anything but, she might be breathtakingly beautiful, but she was very shy, nervous, and introverted. Most guys didn't want that in a girl. They wanted someone like Raine who was Outgoing, smart, and an all around awesome person. But she was untouchable... She was gay. Most guys think that Raine and Skylar did “stuff” together, but they never did.
“Skylar, Meet Andrew! Skylar! Hurry up!!” Raine was as impatient as ever, Skylar hurried looking down, afraid...
“Hey...” A small shy, husky voice said to Skylar.
“Um... Hi...” Skylar returned the greeting, just as shyly. She slowly lifted her head just enough to see a very thin, slightly muscular guy. She quickly looked back down before he saw her looking at him.
“I'll leave you two to do... well to do whatever shy people do, tootles!” Raine smiled her trademark smile, then just to Skylar as she passed she whispered, “Good luck!” Skylar just sighed in response.
“What's wrong?” Andrew said softly, almost too soft for Skylar to hear.
“Nothing...” Skylar responded, smiling a bit at the concerned voice he used, “Just my eccentric friend... well just being her,”
“Oh... So, what do you want to do... Skylar?” Andrew said as he took a step forward. She thought a bit before responding, then she looked him straight in the eyes.
“I want to be bold,” and with that Skylar kissed Andrew directly on the lips.
♠ ♠ ♠
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