Status: Completed

Irrational and Stupid

160th day

“Skylar! You have to eat! Please?” Raine looked like she was about to cry, again.
“I'm going for a run...” Skylar said on her way out. As soon as her feet hit the pavement she started to run, and not just a casual jog, she ran full out sprinting. After about five minutes of spiriting she started to cry. Her speed picked up and she ran even faster, removing the emotion, and the pain, from her body. She ran, ran until her heart pumped battery acid, then she ran some more.
After a hour of running she sat on a rusty old swing in the park. She watched the little kids play in the jungle gym. Two young children, a boy and a girl. The boy pushed the girl down and the girl would cry, the boy apologized... and then their little game continued. So was the teenage game of dating, Skylar thought, pain is caused, people then apologize, and life continues.
After it got dark Skylar walked home thinking back to the park, back to the first day she met Andrew, and the ups and downs of their relationship.
“Where did you go!?” Jessica yelled, “You just disappear and no calls, no message! What are you thinking!” Skylar looked down, not feeling bad but just acting like it to make her mom feel like sh was doing something., “You weren't thinking were you! Ever since that BOY! Left you've been in pieces! If you don't shape up you will end up at an asylum! Do you hear me!!”
“Yeah I hear you, but even there would be better then here,” Skylar muttered while she walked up to her room and laid on her bed. She starred up at the ceiling. The familiar empty feeling grew in her chest, A choked sob escaped her lips and tears freely fell down her face.
How long will I feel this way?
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry its so short....

comment please? I think I'm deleting a few of my stories...

I can't seem to finish them

So if you really like one, comment on them!