Status: Completed

Irrational and Stupid

178th day

Tears ran down the girls sullen cheeks. Her skin was pale, so pale it was almost translucent. Her eyes had sunk into her head from weeks without sleep. She was wearing one of those hospital dresses, just without a open back. She was curled up in to corner of the room, the room was pure white.

A nurse entered the room set a plate down, and picked up the plate of untouched food. She quickly check the young girls vitals and left the room.

The girl stared at the food with disgust. Her body heaved, unable to stand the smell of the food. She quickly kicked the plate to the other side of the room and curled back up in the corner. Her tears resumed their relentless flowing. She soon fell into a light sleep

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Andrew woke with a start. He saw her again... and she was getting worse. He couldn't help but feel it was all his fault. She was there, just a few floors below him, but he was unable to go see her. For she was a lost case as he overheard the nurses talking one night. She wouldn't make it another week. And it was all his fault, or so he thought. Tears started to fall down his cheeks, he felt guilty that she got so much worse... while he... got better...

“Can I come in?” Came the voice of a young woman from Andrew's door.

“Sure...” Andrew laid back on his bed, trying to stop the tears.

“Baby... what's wrong?” Diana laid her head on his chest.

“It's nothing...” He lied horribly to her.

“Is it about HER again,” Diana's voice was sickly sweet. She stood up and tossed her soft chestnut curls over her shoulders, “If you can't get over this little child, then were over,” Diana spun on her heel and walked out of the room, swaying her tiny hips from side to side. Andrew sighed.

“I need her,”
♠ ♠ ♠
Ohhh cliff hanger!

What girl is he talking about O.O

Tell me what you think :)