Status: Completed

Irrational and Stupid

103rd Day Plus 2 hours

Skylar was walking down the very worn path. It was still quite light out and she kept stopping to read the note. She really couldn't understand what was wrong with Andrew. He was usually very up front about everything... but he wasn't, not in the note at least.
When Skylar got to the clearing Andrew was sitting on the ledge with his arms wrapped around his legs. He was shivering, being only in a thin cotton wife-beater and a pair of his worn out blue skinny jeans. It was cold out but Skylar stayed in the shadows of the trees, watching Andrew.
After she sat there for a while, she starred at his perfect face. She didn't notice that she was crying until he looked in her direction. He got up and walked over to Skylar. He starred down at her crouching in the bushes.
“Hey...” his voice was rough, and scratchy like he'd been crying for a while. He held out his hand to Skylar and she took it. Andrew lifted her up, and continued to hold her hand and walked back over to the tree, he sat down and gently pulled Skylar down with him. He held her hand gently rubbing circles in it with his thumb, Skylar laid her head on Andrew's shoulder. The couple sat there for a long time, thinking, they both knew what was needing to be said, but neither one could say it.
“We should probably go,” Andrew said softly, not meaning it but knowing they had to leave, “Our mothers are gonna worry...”
“First, tell me why. Tell me why you asked me to come here in that note. Tell me why you were crying. Tell me what's wrong...” Skylar asked, choking on her words trying not to start crying again.
“I'm leaving, my mother is sending me away...”
“Where is she sending you?” She said tears starting to fall down her face.
“A boarding school, it's 2 hours away from here,” Andrew didn't look at Skylar, avoiding her questioning eyes.
“She says you aren't helping me very much, that I need professional help...”
“But you're so much better then you were at the beginning of the summer...”
“Not enough for her,” He said tears falling down his face,
“How long will you be gone,”
“Far too long,”
“Why are you leaving me,” her voice turned accusing, she couldn't bear to see him leave, she needed him, more then he needed her.
“I don't want to leave Sky,”
“ Then why are you letting your mother control you like this?” Tears started to pour out of her eyes. A soft sob escaped her lips. Andrew wrapped hims arms around her and pulled her to his chest, comforting Skylar.
“I'm sorry, I'm so sorry”
“What will become of us?” Skylar sobbed out, she was shaking.
“We end,” Skylar pushed him away as he said this, Her eyes showed disbelief, then it morphed into anger, then finally sadness so profound that her expression died, her face was black and her eyes said the whole story.
“No...” She whispered. Skylar pushed herself away from Andrew, “No... You're lying,” She stood up and tears coated her cheeks, “NO!” She yelled, and she turned on her heel and ran, she ran her sadness out, her anger, fear, she ran until she couldn't breathe, she ran to forget, to remember, and to ignore.
She eventually tripped and hit her head against a tree, she started to black out and the last thing she felt was the rain falling against her skin.
♠ ♠ ♠
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