Get Out of This town

I can't see you anymore

I walked down the hallway at a slow, yet steady pace. I was already ten minutes late for homeroom, what's another five? I didn't sleep too well last night. Every time I closed my eyes I saw my moms sad face, and my dad's burning rage. I'm surprised I found the strength to crawl out of bed this morning. I just feel so lazy and bummed.

When I got to homeroom, the teacher looked up at me and nodded towards the empty seat next to Tyler. To my misfortune, it was the only seat available. I descended down the rows of desks then plopped down next to Tyler. He nudged my shoulder. I didn't look over at him. Through side view, I saw him shrug his shoulders then he nudged my shoulder again, this time with more force. I stared straight ahead at the empty black board.

Sighing heavily Tyler shoved me with both his hands knocking me out of my seat. A few people glanced back at me then conversations started to brew. I groaned rolling my eyes and gathered myself before sitting down again.

"Hi." I mumbled furrowing my eye brows. Tyler stared at me, confusion reading in his eyes.

"Is something wrong?" I shook my head crossing my arms over my chest sinking in my chair.

"No..." Tyler frowned leaning his head on my shoulder. I tensed up trying to shrug him off. He shook his head wrapping his arms around my waist. My throat dried up and people turned to look back at us again. Oh my fucking god

The bell rang and I nearly jumped out of my skin and pried Tyler's arms from around my waist.

"I gotta go, or I'll be late for my next class." Tyler shook his head in bewilderment.

"We have the same class next period... Austin!" I rushed out of the classroom speed walking down the hallway. "Austin wait up!" The sound of Tyler's voice made my legs move faster and I was nearly jogging before Tyler yanked my arm spinning me around to face him.

"I can't talk right now OK?" He shook his head.

"No. Not OK." Tyler pulled me with him in to an empty stair well. He stood in front of me, staring into my eyes. I waited in agitation for him to speak. "What's up? What's going on?"

I bit my lower lip, and my legs buckled underneath me. I sat down on the first two steps looking down at my shoes. Tyler sat down next to me and put his arm on my shoulder. I breathed deeply trying to regulate my heart beat. This isn't going to be easy to say. Especially after what we did Friday night

"I can't see you any... We need to break up." I said looking up at him. He stared at me for a minute his face expressionless. Then he shook his head standing up, towering over me.

"Why not?" I felt my eyes water and shook my head.

"I told my parents...about us and..they don't approve." Tyler's mouth dropped a few inches and he brought his hand to his chest.

"So...So that's it? You're just gonna break up with me because you're parents don't approve? Austin they'll get over it. I love you." He was closer to tears then I was. I stood up and pulled him close to me running my fingers through his hair.

"Tyler please...don't." He shook his head holding me tight.

"But this can't end. We just started falling for each other..." A tear escaped from the corner of my eye and I backed away from Tyler and moved closer to the exit.

"I'm sorry... We're just gonna have to stop falling for each other." When I stepped out of the stair well, everything hit me. The fact that I can't see Tyler anymore, the disappointment my parents have for me, I think the impact that hit me the most was having to give up my first love. How am I gonna get over this?

"Hey Austin!" I turned to the sound of my voice and saw Broke, a girl whose on the cheerleader squad, jogging over to me. I wiped my eyes.


"I'm having a party tonight. You wanna come?" A party? Hmm... this gives me an idea.

"Is this a big party?" She nodded handing me an invitation.

"Heck yeah! Anyone who's anyone is gonna be there, and I want you to come cutie. So how about it?" Maybe my mom is right. Maybe I haven't found the right girl yet. But I'll find her tonight, at Broke's party.

"Yeah...I'll be there."
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(Next chapter will be longer! Promise! :D)