Get Out of This town

You don't know anything

I stormed past the drunks and pot heads in a hurried to leave. I can't be here anymore. This is all just too much for me. I can't be in the same house as Tyler. I just can't. I turned as I heard someone holler my name. "Austin! Wait up!" I shook my head moving faster. I opened the front door then made my way past the new comers and started down the block.

Tyler ran up from behind me and grabbed my arm spinning me around. "OK what is your deal?" I shook my head yanking my arm from his grip.

"You're my deal! I can't be in the same house as you OK? I just can't. It's all too much for me." Tyler huffed crossing his arms.

"Seriously? I don't know why you're making this such a big deal. Isn't this what you wanted? I mean, you are the one who broke things off between us." I rolled my eyes and tried to steady my breathing, but Tyler was getting on my nerves.

"This is not how I wanted things to go down, but I just can't be with you. Not if my parents don't approve."

"So what if your parents don't approve! You think my parents are alright with my sexuality? They truly aren't but it is not their decision it's mine, just like it is yours. Wow you're mommy and daddy don't approve big deal. This is who you are Austin. There's no hiding it." I clenched my fists shaking my head.

"You don't know anything Tyler. You don't know what it's like for me. My parents are everything to me. They raised me they support me they do everything for me. Who am I to disobey them after all of that?" I turned and started walking again. "I can't love you. It's just not possible."

" We all know that you do." I stopped and stood in place. I can't love him. I don't. I shook my head and turned back around to face Tyler.

"I don't love you. I"m not supposed to."

"But you do. There's no way to stop it. Why can't you just except this and forget what everyone else says and thinks?"

"Because I can't OK! Stop asking me questions!" I pulled my hood on over my head and stomped away from Tyler in the opposite direction.

"Why won't you tell your parents it's your decision to be gay? Why won't you except your true sexuality? Why don't you admit that you love me?" I closed my eyes and put my hands over my ears and kept walking.

"I can't hear you!" I yelled before stepping off the sidewalk and on to the street.

"Austin look out!" Then in one swift movement, Tyler grabbed both my arms and pulled me back as a car speed past where my body once was. I stared at the speeding car and looked up at the traffic lights, and saw the Don't Walk sign lit up. I breathed deeply loosing my balance and falling to the floor in Tyler's arms. I stared at the road That car almost hit me

"Austin are you alright?" My eyes remained on the road and my breathing was frantic. Tyler shook me in attempt to get my attention. "Austin! Are you alright?" I nodded gathering myself and stood up. Tyler spun me around and cupped my face in his arms examining me.

"Are you sure? That car almost hit you." I looked in to Tyler's eyes and realized he wasn't wearing black contacts today. His natural blue eyes glistening in the moon light. His facial features were perfect and his skin was so pale that it almost sparkled, like in those sappy vampire novels that make teen girls go mad. Tyler's lips were a faded pink, he smiled slightly flashing his pearly white teeth. I leaned in and pressed my lips to his and wrapped my arms around his neck.

Tyler kissed me back before wrapping his arms around my waist. He pulled away smiling."I guess you're more than ok." I nodded looking down at my feet.

"Thanks for saving me."
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