Get Out of This town

I need a place to stay

I groaned dragging my suit case along with two book bags slung over each of my shoulders. I packed all my necessities and a few other things I wanted, like my ipod and a few other things. I never wanna go back home again. I never want to see my mom or dad's faces ever again. I don't want anything to do with them.

I hurried through the night looking up at street signs to make sure I was headed in the right direction. A place to stay is truly the last thing I thought about, but it wouldn't be that hard to figure out. Half smiling I stood in front of his house starring at the entrance to the apartment building. I hope he let's me stay. I pulled the heavy suit case with me and struggled through the narrow halls and pressed the up button waiting for the elevator.

I wonder what his reaction will be when he sees me, or even if he'll let me live with him. All I can hope is that he welcomes me into his apartment with open arms and says "Mi casa es sue casa." like they do on TV. When I reached his floor I filed out of the elevator and searched for his door. 106....107...108...109 I knocked twice before stepping back and letting my book bags fall to the floor.

Some movements were made and I heard fast foot steps approaching. "Who is it?"

"Its... It's Austin." I responded. The locks were unhatched and he swung the door wide open starring at me in bewilderment.

"Well, well, well. I never thought I'd see you here. What can I do for you?" I shifted my weight to one leg and hid my face in my hair looking down at the ground.

"I...I need a place to stay." He chuckled.

"And you chose to come here? Wow, you must be in some deep shit. Won't you come in?" He said smiling and grabbed one of my book bags and suit case. I grabbed the other suit case and followed Ashton into his apartment. Ashton moved out of the house when he was exactly my age. He's going threw about the same thing I am right now. My parents were so ashamed of him, and I knew that me following in his foot steps only made them even more ashamed and disappointed. But who am I to choose my sexuality? I can't help who I am.

"So what brings you to my door step little one?"

"The same reason mom and dad kicked you off ours." Ashton stared at me in awe. He opened his mouth to speak, then closed it again. He did this about three times, then shifted in his seat leaning forward patting the space next to him. I sat down facing Ashton.

"Umm. Wow, are you like this because of me?" I shook my head half smiling.

"No. I always kind of knew that I wasn't attracted to girls. All the dates I had and relationships, none of them really meant anything to me." Ashton nodded sitting back.

"So what happened? Did they kick you out too?"

I shook my head. "I bet they would of, but I told them that if they couldn't accept me, then I couldn't live with them anymore. Then I came here.." Smiling, he patted my shoulder.

"I'm glad I was the first person you thought to see. And you're more than welcome to stay here." I grinned pulling him into a hug.

"Thanks bro."
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Further explanation of Ashton to come in next chapter! :x

I'm so sorry this took a few weeks to come out D:
I'll try and update more often