Get Out of This town

Were you smiling at me?

I hurried through the hallways trying to make up for the time I just wasted looking for my science notebook. I was so flushed by my interaction with Tyler that I forgot where my seat was for a few minutes. So now I'm rushing through the hallway to my first period physics class.

I sat down at a table in the back. I don't really like sitting bunched up in the front of the room with everyone else. I'm mostly comfortable when I'm with my friends. Other then that I get really shy around people I don't know. It's a habit I'm accustomed to.

Just before the bell rang Tyler walked in. My shoulders tensed as I looked around the room. The only seat left available was the one next to mine. Tyler maneuvered around the chatting people up front and set his books down on the table next to mine. I brushed my hair over my face so that Tyler couldn't see me blushing. I heard him chuckled as he sat back in his chair. Great job Austin. Wait-a hide you're gayness.

Mr. Finesse called the class to order and instructed everyone to take their seats. For a short minute everyone shuffled around the room occupying each seat accordingly. Today we'll be experimenting with different solutions to see what chemical reactions would occur. We were to record them in our notebooks and work with a partner. I slowly turned in my chair to face Tyler.

"So..umm. I guess you and I are partners." I muttered not looking Tyler in eyes. He nodded and passed me a pair of goggles.

"I guess we are." I took the goggles from him and put them on. I wasn't really sure what to do next. To be honest I'm a little scared of the physics lab. I'm no good at mixing chemicals together above a lit flame. I get nervous that I might spill something, then spill it and end up taking a chemical bath.It's happened to me twice before. Tyler took one test tube in hand and then held out the other for me.

"Pour half of that into the glass." I nodded and did as he instructed and to my surprise nothing blew up. I sighed relived and my tensed shoulders seem to loosen. Tyler poured in his whole tube and watched the chemical reaction closely.

"Look." He said pointing. I got closer to the tube gazing at the bubbling liquid.

"It's changing color...and the bubbles are getting bigger." Tyler nodded reaching for his pencil and started taking notes. I did the same. Then Tyler reached for another test tube and handed it to me.

"How much chloride should we use?" I shrugged my shoulders looking at the test tube in my hand.

"Not much. If you mix it too much with extrogen it'll overflow." I looked over at Tyler and he was staring at me as I spoke. I quickly looked away blushing "So yeah." He chuckled and poured in some of the chloride. Then I poured in some extrogen.

We both gazed at the test tube waiting for a chemical reaction to occur. At first nothing, then the test tube start bubbling and the liquids level increased to the top of the tube. Both Tyler and I reached for our pencils recording what happened.

"So what's up?" Tyler asked putting down his pencil. I shrugged feeling flushed and folded my hands together.

"Nothing I guess. Just..stuff." Tyler nodded smiling.

"That's cool. Same here." I'm not really a conversation starter. If anything I'll bring up something stupid and talk about stuff no one cares about, especially when I'm nervous. I tend to ramble on about the stupidest of all things.

"Have you ever heard of The Ready Set?" I nodded smiling.

"Umm. yeah. That's my favorite band. I saw them perform last Saturday at the Prudential center. Yeah he's really good. There was a lot of people there. Tons. I almost got lost I couldn't find the exist, but still it was a good show and..." I'm doing it. That thing I always do. Talk without realizing I should shut up. Tyler blinked smiling and chuckled.

"Wow. Sounds cool. I've never been to any of his concerts." I nodded feeling completely lame. Why do I have to be so awkward? I sighed placing my elbow on the table and chin in my palm.

"I'm so lame." I muttered, mostly to myself.

"No you're not." I glanced over at Tyler. He was staring at me, his eyes sort of blank. I stared back. Not knowing what to say. Then the bell rang. I shook my head gathering my thoughts and reached for my text books. Tyler collected his things then stood behind his chair.

"Umm. I'll catch you later." I said, doing that awkward stance with my hands out to my sides pointing at Tyler with that 'youuuu' look on my face. He chuckled nodding his head.

"Yeah. Cool. Catch you later." He walked away and I beat myself with my notebook. Why? Why must I be such a gawky person? I sighed walking to the door and entered the hallway.

"Hey Austin!" I turned and saw Pete and Cathy waving me over. Two of my only three friends.I know. Pathetic

"Hey." I said in a hushed tone. They both smiled.

"You ready for French class?" I nodded and we headed down the hall. I glanced up from the floor and saw Tyler at his locker. His eyes met mine and he beamed, almost blushing. I looked behind me and saw no one. Then my left and right. Pete and Cathy were walking in front of me about a yard away. Was Tyler smiling at me?
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I don't know anything about physics class. So I made up the names of the mixtures and stuff x]