Get Out of This town

A strong feeling

The final bell rang and I collected my text books then headed to my locker. I stumbled through the halls trying to maneuver past all the last minute traffic and commotions about weekend plans. I shoved my way past a group of chatty Cathy's and finally met my locker. I grabbed my book bag and stuffed some notebooks inside my bag with my weekend homework assignments then closed my locker.

I turned ready to make my way towards the exit then had a mini heart attack at who was standing before me. I tried to steady my breathing, and held my arms to my sides trying to hide my shaking.

"H-Hi Tyler." He smiled in response nodding.

"Hey. You going home?" I shrugged blushing and crossed my legs together. They were shaking uncontrollably.

"I was...yeah..unless you wanna hang out?" I stuttered imminently wishing I could take back what I just said. If I'm shaky now in a hall full of other people, imagine what I'd be like alone in a room with Tyler. I'd be shaking like like a rattle snake's tail.

"Yeah!" Tyler responded energetically. "That sounds great." He reached for my sweaty hand and guided me through the hallway towards the front door. A few people glanced down at our joined hands and I felt my face get hotter and hotter as more and more people looked down at them. I hope they don't think I'm gay

"Do you wanna hang out in the park?" I looked back at Tyler who had a smile plastered across his face. I nodded hesitantly.

We walked to the park then deeper into the trees past all the little kids who were just released from school. They cried aloud energetically some playing tag and racing towards the slides.

Tyler and I sat down next to a big tree deep inside the small forest far off from the on coming commotion of the free spirited children. I closed my legs over one another feeling awkward at the silence between Tyler and I. He sat there looking around at the tall trees. I adjusted my position trying to make myself comfortable then gave up stretching my legs out in front of me leaning my back on the tree.

"Do you like being outside?" Tyler finally asked turning to me. I shrugged my tense shoulders.

"Yeah. I mean I like the fresh air, but I don't go outside much. Especially in the summer it's just way too hot. I'd rather stay inside my room where there's air conditioning. My mom always complains telling me I should go outside, but I always turn her away just wanting some alone time in my room. Actually-"

"Yeah I like being outside too." Tyler interrupted staring at me. I nodded frowning. I guess my babbling is worse then I thought. I looked up at Tyler to see him smiling. He nudge my shoulder chuckling.

"I'm only playing. You talk a lot." I nodded in agreement.

"I ramble when I'm...nervous." Tyler's smile faded and he slid closer to me.

"Why are you nervous?" I shrugged not wanting to answer. One reason being because I'm always nervous around people I barely know, and two I don't want to say something like 'I think you're hot' and have him runaway calling me names like queer. I find those names to be extremely offensive to the people who are homosexual. It's insulting and I would never make fun of someone or call them names due to their sexuality.

"I just...get nervous easily. I'm sort of..a shy person."

"Could of fool me." I half smiled looking over at Tyler. I blushed looking down when our eyes met. "You look really cute when you blush." He said softly.

I glanced up, not believing what I just heard. Did Tyler just call me cute? I think he did. I felt my face get warmer as Tyler slid closer to me.

" think I'm cute?" He nodded slowly staring in to my eyes. I felt this whirling sensation inside my stomach and I began feeling light headed. My vision sort of blurred and I felt dizzy. Another guy thinks I'm cute. Tyler's face came closer to mine and soon they were inches...centimeters...then his lips pressed softly against mine.

I've never kissed another boy before. It felt so strange in such an amazing way. I loved the feel of Tyler's lips on mine. I pushed mine to his with more force and he raised a hand to my face. I slowly moved my hand to his waist then left it there feeling...slightly relived. All the tension in my body loosened while I sat there kissing Tyler. Then a feeling emerged deep inside me. A feeling I didn't get when I kissed girls. The feeling was..indescribable.

Tyler slowly pulled away looking into my eyes. "Was that...OK?" He asked I grinned nodding.

"'s fine." He smiled then leaned in and pressed his lips to mine again.
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