Get Out of This town


I closed the front door quietly hoping not to make any sounds. If I'm lucky, I can slip upstairs to my room without either of my parents seeing me. I tip toed past the living room and ducked into the kitchen. No lights were on downstairs. I sighed with relief then headed towards the steps when the dinning room light flickered on. I nearly jumped out of my skin.

"Hey Austin." My mother greeted me smiling. She was standing behind a chair while me dad was seated looking down at the table.

"Hi mom." I muttered. My dad stood up and walked over to me.

"Where have you been? It's 7:30. You didn't bother to call and tell us you were staying out late." My parents are very strict on when I am to be home. For them, coming home at 7:30 in the evening is like arriving at midnight.

"I was out with...a friend. I'm sorry about not calling. I lost track of time sir." My dad nodded scanning me from heads to toe.

"You be sure to check your watch next time." I hesitated looking to my mom then back at my dad.

"I don't have a watch..." My dad smiled tossing something in the air and I reached out to catch it. I looked down at my hands and sure enough, I was holding a digital watch.

"No more excuses huh Austin?" I nodded strapping the watch onto my wrist.

"Yes sir." My dad walked past me in to the living room and turned on a light sitting down in his arm chair. My mom smiled and I followed her into the kitchen and helped her set the plates for dinner.

My mom, dad, and I all sat down in the family room to eat. "So how was your day at work dad?" I said staring the conversation as I shoved a spoon of rice into my mouth.

"Productive. I got a lot of work done." I nodded half smiling. My dad is very serious about what he does. A job done right is a job well done, he always tells me.

"How about you mom?" She smiled warmly taking a sip of her water.

"It was nice thanks for asking. I just finished working on the garden not too long ago." I nodded my head knowing how hard she works on our garden in the front yard. She loves to plant roses and daffodils. Those two are her favorite types of flowers. She takes her time gardening out in front and sometimes when my dad comes home from work he helps her out. I'm not really an out door gardening type of guy. Just the dirt and everything... I'm not too fund of getting dirty.

After dinner I set my dishes in the sink and said good night to my parents. I got my clothes ready for bed and grabbed my towel heading in to my bathroom. After I took a cool shower I laid down in my bed staring up at the ceiling.

For the first time, I kissed another boy. felt good. Whenever I wold kiss girls, I just wasn't in to it. There was no feel or passion behind any of it. But today, kissing Tyler felt...amazing. It's like a spark appeared between the two of us and when he leaned in to kiss me I didn't wanna pull away. I wanted to sit there and leave my lips pressed to his for as long as possible.

And in a way, I sort of did. He and I stayed in the park for a long while, talking and occasionally stealing kisses. Right now...I feel like so much energy is in me. When I was kissing him, I felt almost this adrenaline rush. Like I was speeding down a highway standing on top of a motorcycle. It was beyond amazing. It was marvelous.

I walked in through my front door holding Tyler's hand in mine.

"Mom! Dad!" I called out tossing my book bag aside. Tyler held onto his. I smiled leaning on his shoulder looking up at him. He smiled back and pressed his lips to mine in a soft kiss.

"Austin!" My mother cried out staring at me in awe. I smiled grasping Tyler's hand tighter. My dad appeared behind her in the same surprised manner staring down at mine and Tyler's joined hands.

"What is going on?" He questioned.

"This is Tyler. He's my boyfriend." Both my mom and dad clutched their shirts.

"Boyfriend?" They bellowed. I nodded my head grinning.

"Yes. Isn't he cute?" My dad shook his head, his expression going from bewildered to enraged.

"What?! Austin this is wrong and you know it! You can not be together! Your mother and I forbid it!" I frowned looking over at Tyler. He looked down at his shoes upset. My dad pointed at the two of us. "This! This will not occur under my roof. Either the two of you split up or you leave Austin! Never to return." my mouth dropped a few inches and I glanced over at my mom. Tears were streaming down her face. She shook her head, not wanting me to look to her for an answer.

"Leave!" My father deemed. "Now!" I let go of Tyler's hand walking up to him.

"No dad, no! Please. Don't be upset." His eye brows bunched together and he glared down at me.

"GO!" And that's when I woke up, sweat dripping down my forehead.

I glanced around my room. It was still dark. I looked over at my bedside clock. It read 4:16 a.m. I clutched my shirt shaking my head., no, no, no, no! Why did I have to have that dream! It was a horrible, horrible nightmare. Knowing my parents something like that might occur in the near future if I do decided to bring Tyler home one night. If that's what my parents reaction were to be, I can only imagine what my friends might think.
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