Get Out of This town

If only...

Finally, it's time to go home. I sighed heavily rising from my seat. Our teacher Mr. Chang kept us after school because the class was being rowdy, and of course. He couldn't just keep the noise kids behind. He has to hold everyone accountable for others actions. I rushed through the halls and when I rounded the corner to my locker and I saw Tyler leaning against it.

My books slid out of my hands and on to the floor. I stared at Tyler in bewilderment. I swallowed hard glancing up and down the hall. The only people left walking around were the ones who just left my class. Tyler was leaning on my locker listening to his ipod. I bent down to gather my books not taking my eyes off Tyler. He looked over at me and set down his book bag jogging towards me.

"Need some help?" He said bending down pulling an ear bull out. I nodded silently finally prying my eyes away from him. He grabbed my math text book and handed it to me. We both stood up facing each other.

"You didn't have to wait for me." I blurred without thinking. Tyler shrugged turning to get his book bag.

"I thought we could hang out for a while." I nodded walking to my locker and put away my books and grabbed my book bag.

"Where do you want to go?" Tyler asked reaching for my hand. I looked around the hall way. We were alone. I felt my knees begin to quake and my palms started to sweat. I pulled my hand from Tyler's.

"My dad was a little upset about me getting home late yesterday." Tyler stared at me in confusion.

"Didn't you get home at like 7:30?" I nodded blushing.

"My parents are very strict and over protective." Tyler nodded reaching for my hand again, and pulled me with him as we walked down the hallway to the front entrance.

"Then we'll get you home early today."

We walked in to Wendy's my hand in Tyler's. To my luck it was empty and no one was sitting down. The cashier lady didn't see our joined hands when we walked up to her.

"What do you want?" Tyler asked looking over at me. I gazed up at the menu.

"Umm. A number six." Tyler smiled looking over at the cashier woman.

"Two number sixes please." The cashier woman punched some buttons then looked up at Tyler saying

"11.56" He reached in to his pocket pulling out a twenty and handed it to the woman. I blushed looking down at my shoes biting my lip. He didn't have to pay for me. We got our food then sat down near the windows.

"So how was your day?" Tyler asked taking a bite of his sandwich. I shrugged grabbing a some french fries.

"It was OK. Mr. Chang got on my nerves. Holding the whole class after school an extra ten minutes for no good reason." I shoved the french fries angrily in to my mouth. Tyler observed my stiff movements. "That jack ass." I muttered unwrapping my sandwich. Tyler laughed aloud patting his chest to keep from choking. I chuckled shrugging my shoulders.

"What? It's true. He's so annoying." Tyler nodded taking a sip of his soda.

"Yeah he is. That's why I'm laughing. I never heard you curse before. It's kinda funny." I blushed taking a bite of my sandwich. It's true. I rarely curse. If anything, just so that no teachers make phone calls to my parents informing them of my bad grammar. They would flip if they fond out I was using profanity in school.

"So how was your day?" I asked taking another bite of my sandwich. Tyler nodded half smiling.

"It was OK. I missed you during lunch. I wanted to see if we could sit together, but you didn't look like you were in such a happy mood." I shook my head taking my last bite of my sandwich. I didn't realize that Tyler was looking for an explanation to my mood swing. He was staring at me in silence. I swallowed my last bite of the sandwich then cleared my throat.

"I didn't sleep well last night. I had this horrible night mare and... I just couldn't go back to sleep." Tyler stared at me with concern reading in his eyes. He slid out of his his side of the booth and sat down next to me.

"What was your dream about?" I shrugged looking down at the table. Tyler reached for my hand. "Tell me. Please?" I sighed heavily before looking over at him.

"My parents are like..these dedicated Christian's. And if they found out that... I was gay, they would probably be very upset with me. I had this dream that... I brought you home one day to introduce you to my parents. When I told my dad that you were my boyfriend and he completely freaked out and.." Tyler was smiling at me. A big grin plastered across his face. "Why are you smiling?" I asked in a serious tone.

He moved his face closer to mine. "So I'm your boyfriend all of a sudden." I blushed like mad looking away stuttering.

"Umm. I uhh.." Tyler smiled pressing his lips to mine in a soft kiss.

"Go on with your story." I shrugged looking down at mine and Tyler's joined hands.

"My parents were just upset about...the whole me being gay thing. It was a heart breaking dream. I wish that wasn't going to happen."

"Well. What makes you so sure it will happen?" I shrugged looking up in to Tyler's eyes.

"My parents are like that. Then when I tell them about us they will demand that we stop seeing each other, which we will be forced to do and this whole us thing will cease to exits." Tyler nodded.

"I get what you mean." I sighed leaning on Tyler's shoulder. I wish things weren't so complicated. I wish I could just go out and parade Tyler around and show the world that I'm alright with being gay, but I can only imagine what their fatal reactions might be.
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