Get Out of This town

Mom, what if I were gay?

I crept through the front door clenching my teeth close together. After spending all the time with Tyler I can't help but come home displeased. I have such a nice time being with him. He makes me happy in ways that I can't describe. Just looking in to his eyes send chills down my spine. Knowing he wants to be with me like I want to be with him. It just infuriates me to know that the type of world we live in is so against homosexual relationships.

I stomped through the living room unintentionally catching my parents attention. "Austin?" I looked up at my mom who was sitting down on the sofa while my dad was resting in his recliner. "How was your day sweetie?" I sighed heavily.

"It was OK." She looked up at me in confusion reading the frustration in my eyes.

"Come, and let's talk in the yard huh? You can help me with some last minute gardening." I nodded setting down my book bag then following my mom to the backyard.

I knelt down beside my mom pulling the weeds out of the ground while she watered her daffodils She inhaled their scent deeply then smiled looking up at the sky. I chuckled. My mom is really an out door type of person.

"You wanna tell me what's on your mind?" I shrugged my shoulders pulling the last few weeds from the ground. My mom stood up and tapped my shoulder motioning to our swing like chairs. I stood up and we walked to them and sat down. "Tell me what's wrong Austin." I sighed looking up at her reaching for both her hands.

"I just hate to upset you and dad. The last thing I want is for the both of you to be disappointed and unhappy with me." My mother's eyes shifted, from concern to worry.

"Is it something you did? Did something happen at school?" I shook my head.

"No. It's...within me." My mom stared at me in confusion. If anything, she's more likely to be less upset with me than my dad is. I mean sure, she'll be unhappy with my sexuality, but she's understanding and I know that if I tell her now, later when I tell my dad she'll be on my side.

"Mom...I'm not straight." She raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Not straight? What are you....Ohh. Ohhhh!" She stood from the swing. "Austin! Are you trying to tell me you're gay?" She whispered angrily. I nodded slowly reaching for her hand and she sat back down. "When did this all happen?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I've had doubts about my sexuality for the longest mom. I was just never sure if me not being satisfied with the girls I've previously dated meant that maybe I haven't found the right girl. But apparently that isn't the case." My mom sighed shaking her head.

"Are you sure? I mean maybe that's just it. Maybe you haven't found the right girl yet." I shook my head again.

"No mom....I'm gay. I like boys and...I have a boyfriend. His name is Tyler." My mom nodded slowly wiping her eyes of dry tears.

"And when exactly do I get to meet him?" I half smiled not believing what my mom just said.

"So... you're not mad?" She smiled reaching her arms out and pulling me into a hug.

"Of course not. I can't say I'm happy about your sexuality, but I can't change who you are. It's your father who we have to worry about." I nodded, my smile fading.

I can only imagine the rage his eyes will have, and how much force will be in his hands when he slaps me across the face. If only he could be OK with all of this like my mom. If only he could be as understanding as she is.

"I love you mom." She smiled genuinely and squeezed my hands in hers.

"I love you too."
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For Those Who Have Hearts