Get Out of This town

Trouble? I don't want any trouble!

I walked into my house with a smiled plastered on my face. Tonight was awesome. I checked the watch my dad gave me and saw that it was 12:07 a.m. Wow, I didn't realize it was so late. I always loose track of time when I'm with Tyler. I just get so caught up with him, and forget about everything else, like it all doesn't matter.

I sighed stepping in to the living room then nearly jumped out of my skin when I saw my father sitting down on the couch. The only light illuminating the darkness was the lamp next to him. But it was shinning on the newspaper resting on his lap. His face was hidden in the darkness.

"Good evening." He spoke. My heart raced inside my chest like it was on a speedway.

"Evening." My father set down his newspaper on the coffee table then pointed to the chair in front of him that he must have pulled from the dinning room.

"Sit." I nodded taking off my book bag and sat down. He can not be mad at me for coming home so late. Friday nights I have no curfews, and I have come home later than this many times before. Why is now any different?

"It's late." I nodded at his statement in agreement. "You haven't come home this late on a Friday night in a while. Since you and Alison broke up actually." I swallowed hard not liking where this conversation was going. I'm not ready to tell dad about Tyler. It's just too soon. "Where have you been?" I shrugged looking up at the stairs.

"Out. With a friend." Mom, I need you.

"Friend? What friend? Because Pete, Cathy, and Justin came looking for you earlier." I breathed deeply calling my mom in my head. Mom! Wake up! Come downstairs and stop dad's irrigation, please!

"I wasn't with them..." I said not referring to being with anyone in particular.

"Then who were you with?" My father boomed. And just in the nick of time my mom came walking down the stairs yawning.

"What's all the fuss about?" She groaned standing next to my dad.

"Nothing. I'm just trying to find out the where a bout's of my son for the past few hours and whom he was with."

I shrugged my shoulders looking up at my mom. "I was with Tyler." My mom cringed and my dad leaned forward eying me suspiciously.

"What were you and Tyler doing?" My palms began to sweat and I was being torn in two. Either I commit sin and lie to my parents, or tell them the truth about my being in sin with another boy. Gosh, either way I'm not going to make it up to my room without a powerful lecture that will change my whole out look of things.

"Austin." My mother said interrupting my thoughts. "I think you should tell your father the truth." Gee, thanks mom for digging me a hole to crawl in and die.

"Yes. The truth." I looked back at my father who was giving me the death glare. I sighed in defeat and lowered my head in shame.

"Me and Tyler were just... together in his room, alone." My father stood up now and my mom backed away searching for the light switch before turning on the lights.

"Alone? And what were the two of you doing alone? What could two boys possible do alone in a room together when they could be out side doing something social?" I shrugged then whispered.

"Kissing..." Following my sentence came silence. I looked over at my mom and she was biting down on her lip. My father stared at me, his facial expression reading dumbfounded.

"Wha- What?!?" I shrunk instantly feeling like a mouse trapped inside a cage with eight hungry cats.

"Tyler and I are together. We were kissing in his room...Dad..." I gulped before continuing. "I'm gay." His ears blew steam and his voice boomed like he was yelling in to a microphone.

"What? That's absurd. I will not aloud this to continue!" Tears welled up in my eyes. Just how I pictured it, how I dreamed this would end.

"Hey there, you can not stop Austin from loving someone! No matter what gender they may be."

"Abigale, no. This is wrong and you know it. I don't understand why the two of you kept this from me! Austin, do you know how ridiculous this is? You have dated many girls before, what in god's name cause you to turn to men?" I shook my head standing my ground, my voice almost breaking.

"I have no desire to date girls dad. I just don't. Whenever I'm with Tyler I get this amazing feeling that-"

"No! That's quiet enough. I forbid you to see this Tyler boy any longer. You can not be with another boy it's wrong and unhealthy."

"Dad-" He held his hand up signaling me to stop.

"Enough! Your relationship with Tyler is over." My father deemed. And that was it. I shook my head sulking then hurried up to my room slinging my book bag over my shoulder. I slammed my bed room door behind me tossing my book bag to the floor.

I refuse to stop seeing Tyler! It just isn't fair. Enraged I grabbed my CD player and slammed it on the floor and I pulled out my drawers from my dresser and threw them against the wall. I would have continued my rampage, but my vision was now blurred with tears. I wiped them away then plopped down on my floor sitting in a fetal position.

About fifteen minutes later, my mom walked in to my room. She turned the lights on, then slowly walked over to my bed and sat down. I looked up at her and she half smiled sympathetically. She patted a space on the bed next to her and I got up and then sat down beside her.

"As hard as it is for me to say this," My mother spoke gently. "Your father is right. You being in a relationship with another boy is wrong." I've always felt like my mother understood me best. She would always take my side in the rare arguments I would have with my father, but this time she's siding against me. I sensed that she was when she told me to tell my father the truth.

"But before-" She shook her head.

"I know what I said before, and I was wrong. I shouldn't have been so easy on you. I understand what you mean by not being attracted to any of the girls you know now, but maybe you haven't found the right one yet." I sighed heavily.

"OK mom." She forced a smile before kissing my cheek.

"Night. Get some sleep darling." I nodded. When my mom left I glanced around my trashed room. I hate to have my parents be upset with me. Especially my mother. Looking into her eyes and seeing hurt is not something I enjoy.

I guess Tyler and I are really over... I just can't allow my parents to be disappointed in me.
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