

Ever heard of scobby doo? Oh right, of course you have. Everyone has.

Well anyway, my life is quite like that show. I am always being tricked into their is some kind of creature, monster, ghost. Then it ends up being a trick.

It reminds me of the little boy who cried wolf. If you keep telling me there is one, when you need me I wont come.

"Violet?" My friend asked coming up to me while I was reading.

I set down the book, "Yes, hun?" I asked.

"I think my house is haunted,"

I rolled my eyes and started reading again. How many times have I heard that? How many times have I been tricked?

"I am serious this time!" She pleaded.

"That's what you say every time,"

"I am telling the truth this time,"

I ignored her.

"I hear creaks in the hallway at night,"

"That's because you have old floorboards," I interrupted her to inform her.

"I hear a voice,"

"You have little siblings,"

"My stuff is disappearing,"


"My siblings would not, repeat not, steal my underwear,"

My eyes got wide, but then I laughed and ran off.

After two days, Cassey had finally stopped talking to me. Finally, finally she had realized I wasn't falling for it.

I jumped on to my bed and turned on the TV.

Ugh! The news was on and I was just about to change the channel when it said, "Underwear stealer."

I laughed and put down the remote.

I soon realized this was nothing to laugh about. A murder was going around stealing victims underwear until there was no more to steal besides the ones on their body. Then he rapes the victim, kills her, and leaves with all her underwear.


"Cassey Faith was the newest victim," My mouth dropped open and I busted into tears.

I thought about it, and she told me her underwear was being stolen.

She wasn't lying, there was a monster in her house. But not the kind I was used of. He was a monster in human form.

This was my fault, maybe if I would have just went to her house I could have found out.

My bestfriend was dead, and-and it was my fault.