‹ Prequel: When Things Go Wrong
Status: Complete.

Help Me.

We Teenagers

“I hate Mondays.”

“Don’t we all…but just think about it…Seth will be here!”

“Shut up woman before I bitch slap you so hard your clit will fall off.”

Valerie giggles and nudges me playfully in the side. I roll my eyes and head to my first period class to find the guys in their normal seats…well not normal. Marcus has officially moved so that Seth could sit by me, because Marcus is a bitch like that.

“Hey, what’s crack a lackin’?” Turner greets me with a huge grin.

I shrug and toss my bag onto the back of the chair. I take a seat and not even seconds later Seth is walking through the doorlooking as gorgeous as ever. He smiles when he sees us and takes a seat next to me.

“Hello!” He chirps, happy as ever I see.

The guys greet him before going back into their conversation about cars. Apparently Jeremy’s parents are going to let him get one, but nothing too expensive so they’re trying to discuss how Jeremy could still get a good car that isn’t some piece of shit. Get what I mean?

Seth turns his attention to me and I try to act casual by pretending that I had no idea that he was staring at me. I kept my eyes on the white board in the front of the room, but just feeling him looking at me had my heart pounding. Damn it, he makes me act like such a girl!

Stupid Seth…

“Did ya know that pigs orgasm for 30 minutes?” Now that was random…

“And you know this…how?” I find myself finally looking at him with a smile. How is it that he makes me so uncomfortable but so happy at the same time? He really is a strange kid.

“I read it!”

“You can read?”

Pouting, Seth crosses his arms across his chest. “Hey…that’s low, very low. I have you know I am very good at reading! It only takes me ‘bout a couple centuries to finish a 30 page book, but that’s beside da point.”

I laugh. “Of course, because you know…everyone takes a couple hundred years to read 30 pages.”

“Exactly my point.”

I roll my eyes at him, but end up listening to his very long and slightly exaggerated story about last night and how his mother is abusive for throwing water on him after saying she reminded him of an angry grizzly bear. I’m not sure if I should believe his story or not…

Then again it is Seth, and he’s just weird.

“And then she threw a pot at me! A pot! Can ya believe that? She could have gave me brain damage-”

“You already have it.”

“But she could have gave me more!”

Laughing, I elbow him and ask, “Did she really throw a pot at you?”

“Yes, but that woman has terrible aim I tell you…so it was ok!” Seth smiles, showing off his pearly white teeth.

“Sounds like it.”

Sadly, our conversation comes to an end when the teacher arrives. I sit in my desk about ready to pass out when a small, folded up note is tossed onto my desk. Curious, I look to my side to see Seth nibbling on his pencil while eyeing the note, waiting for me to read it.He’s too fucking cute.

I pick the small note up and unravel it to find his messy writing;

I found this awesome place behind my house, thought you’d like to see it.

You think you could come over after school? If you aren’t busy and want to that is…

I read the note over a few times because I can’t really believe it. Seth wants us to hang out…as in just the two of us? Just the thought makes my imagination run wild and trust me some of the images aren’t exactly school appropriate while others at just stupid romantics that make me feel like such a girl…

I bite my lip…oh god I want to say yes, but…at the same time I don’t. What if I do something stupid? What if I end up telling him I’m gay and he’s not ok with it? Shit…shit…what do I do? What should I do?

Inhaling, I decide to say no, but my mouth must hates me because when I open it to speak that isn’t at all what comes out. “I’ll go.”

Seth smiles and fuck, it’s beautiful but I really should have said no. Knowing me I’ll do something stupid…what if I…betray Deni?


“Mr. Namit, is there a reason you are hollering in my class?”

Seth stiffens and I hold in my cackles as he sputters out, “No ma’am! I just uh…had a very perverted thought that is not school appropriate or I would definitely tell you.”

The teacher groans while the kids in class laugh. Really, Seth is the definition of weird…why do I like him again? Wait…wait I don’t like him! I don’t, god damn it! This is really frustrating.

At the end of class Seth tells me to meet up with him in the school parking lot before walking off, leaving the guys and Valerie to question me about what was up.

“You’re going over his house?” Valerie squeals at the very tip top of her lungs. “This is so awesome!”

“I bet he has the lube and condom ready for action,” Turner laughs hysterically along with Jeremy and Marcus.

“We aren’t going to do any of that!” I whine, trying to make my friends understand that Seth and I are just friends. We’re just going to hang out and that’s it. But my friends are losers and their minds are still perverted, so they wouldn’t believe me.

Not that I’m any different, if they were in my situation I’d probably do the same to them.

Oh, what wonderful people we teenagers are…
♠ ♠ ♠
Lol I love Seth
Gosh, why did I update this so late at night?
I am a terrible person haha jk jk
