‹ Prequel: When Things Go Wrong
Status: Complete.

Help Me.

I Needed To Hear That

“Ya ready to go?”

Nodding, I follow Seth to his car where we both jump inside. He turns on the radio and I’m slightly surprised that it isn’t country. I guess I really shouldn’t judge. Just because he has a country accent doesn’t mean he listens to country.

Instead Disturbed blasts loudly through his speakers and he turns it down enough to ask, “I dun know what ya like, but if ya want you can search through my CD’s-”

“Nah, this is good. Everyone likes Disturbed,” I cut him off and smile, turning the music up a little more when Down With The Sickness comes on.

Seth sends me a toothy grin and soon he’s singing along, head banging, and pumping his fist like the idiot that he is. Not that I mind. I need a good laugh.

“Mommy!” Seth cries, making his way inside with me right behind him. I kick my shoes off and laugh at Seth, who is currently sitting on his mothers lap, giving her kisses. She’s scowling and desperately trying to get the leech off. “Don’t reject my love! I brought a guest, his name is Max. Ya know the one I told ya ‘bout?”

“Oh,” the woman looks back at me and I smile and wave shyly. She literally shoves her son off her and with a loud ‘thud’ he plummets to the floor. “Hi there! I’m sorry if my son is any annoyance-”


“He’s a bit too hyper. You must be Max! Seth talks about you all the time-”


“Does he now?” I ask curiously, giving him a questioning look. I think it was the first time it’s ever happened, but I swore I saw him blush.

“Yep! How long will you be staying dear? You can stay for dinner if ya want.”

“I’d love to.”

“Great! Now Seth…be a good boy and don’t drive him completely mad.”

Seth pouts. “You’re a mega bitch.”

“That I am.”


“You have a strange family,” I comment while walking beside Seth up a rather large hill. “If I called my dad a mega bastard he’d probably ground me.”

“She knows I’m kidding though!” Seth laughs, glancing at me from over his shoulder. “I wouldn’t actually say anything cruel to my mom.”

I suddenly felt guilty because Seth treated his mom so well and I…I mistreated my dad. When Deni died all I could think about was hurting myself and others. I ended up hurting my dad mentally and I even…I even punched him. What kind of son am I? Obviously not a good one…

I’m snapped out of my thoughts when two hands cup my face. I blush when I realize that my nose is brushing Seth’s and he’s looking straight into my eyes. “Hey…what’s wrong? You know when you furrow your eyebrows like that you get wrinkles.”

I swat his hands away and take a step back. My heart is thumping inside my chest, much like it did when Deni was around. I ignore the feeling though and answer, “N-Nothing…I was just thinking.”

Seth sighs, but thankfully drops it. We continue our journey up the hill until finally we stop. Seth is smiling when he throws his arms into the air and falls back onto the lush green grass. “Isn’t it awesome up here? When I need to be alone or need to think I come here…”

Looking around I see nothing but wide open spaces. The grass is lush and growing wildly everywhere. The tree’s are tall and they hide the town below so it seems like we’re alone on the country side. I guess that’s why Seth would like it. His accent tells me he’s from the country.

“Ya always seem to be lost in your own thoughts so I figured I might as well tell ya bout this place…that way if you ever need time to think…there’s some place to go.”

“Thanks,” I whisper, taking a seat next to him and eventually lying on my side. He grins and turns onto his as well so we’re face to face. I can feel my cheeks heating up at the close proximity and I silently beg for him not to notice.

“Y’know if you…need anyone to talk to I’ll listen.”

“And how do you know I need someone to talk to?” I ask, because honestly I didn’t know how he knew anything. How does he knew if I need to let some steam off? Maybe he can read minds…yeah, that’s logical Max.

Shrugging, Seth sighs and replies, “I don’t see ya smile often and your friends…I can see the concern they have. I don’t know what happened for sure and I’m never gonna ask but…if there is a time that you need to talk and no one else is there…ya got me!”

His smile is what gets my heart pumping. It’s what has my mind turning to mush and my limbs aching to reach out and hold him, but I don’t dare do that. After what he said I don’t want to lose him, so I ignore the urges and I smile along with him.

“Thanks…I needed to hear that.”

“I try.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I love my little country boy <333
