‹ Prequel: When Things Go Wrong
Status: Complete.

Help Me.

Sure Thing

Surprisingly the guys said nothing about Deni the moment Seth and I stepped into class, fingers intertwined. I don’t know why I thought they would. I guess because…because it’s Deni. I don’t think any of us could forget such a boy.

But Deni is gone. I know this. Everyone knows this. If I were gone I’d want Deni to be happy and to move on. Obviously he wants the same for me. Right?

I glance at Seth who is sitting beside me talking with the guys. His smile is contagious and although I have no idea what they’re talking about, I find myself smiling too just because he is. When he looks at me the sparks that Deni once gave me come alive again and I know that I’ve found the one boy that makes my heart race.

I found the one boy who can fix everything.

I reach out for his hand, just wanting to feel him. He seems thrilled to wrap his fingers around my own. Marcus whistles while Turner and Jeremy tease us about the changing colors of our cheeks. I smile and kick Jeremy in the ass.

“Ow! Max, what the hell?” He whines, but I rest my head on my desk and sigh to show that I am not giving a reason as to why I kicked him. I just did. “You d-bag.”

And the rest of the day goes like this. The guys and I joke around. Valerie freaks about how Seth and I are finally together. She also demands that I give her details. Seth…he just makes the day so much fun and it passes by so quickly that I can’t believe it’s over when it is.

I frown at the fact that we have to separate. I really like feeling his hand around my own. I like feeling my heart full again. It’s a nice and welcomed feeling, one that I want to keep.

“I’ll call ya k?” His grin is contagious and I’m smiling too. Nodding, I lean up, because the bastard is taller than me, and peck his lips. And there’s that spark that I’ve missed so much.

“See you,” I whisper against his lips and the cat calls from the guys make my cheeks flare with color.

Seth laughs and wraps an arm around my waist, crashing his lips against mine. I throw my arms around his waist as well and when we pull apart we’re both blushing. I grin, he grins, and we say good-bye before going our separate ways.

“That was so hot,” Valerie sighs dreamily beside me as we make our way to her house. Her parents are going out and I’ve decided to spend time with my child and best friend.

“You’re…so weird.” I laugh, but my laughter dies down at the serious look she’s sending me. I expect her to say something like the world is going to end.

She wraps her arm around my bicep and leans up to place a friendly kiss on my cheek and she smiles. There are tears in her eyes and I quickly stop and wipe them away the moment they slip.

“Valerie, what’s wrong?” I panic. Did something happen?

She shakes her head and throws her arms around my neck suddenly. I stiffen, but hug her back as she cries into my shoulder. “I’m just so proud of you Max!”

I look down at her curiously, but she doesn’t notice because her head is hidden in my chest. “Deni is gone and you know this and you were hurt. You were heart broken and I was so scared I was going to lose you! I thought I was going to lose my best friend forever, but…”

“You did it. You over came everything, granted it took some time, but you did. You messed up, but you fixed your problems and came back. And now, here you are, the same old Max, as happy as ever when I could have sworn you’d stay so depressed and now…you’ve moved on. I’m just…so proud of you.” She cries violently, but I’m more than positive that it’s from happiness rather than sadness.

I sigh and a smile makes it way onto my face. I squeeze her tightly and kiss the top of her head. Pulling away, I look down at her red eyes and stained cheeks, but she’s smiling none the less. “You helped Val, I didn’t do this all on my own.”

She wipes her eyes and nods. “Y-Yeah…you know I’ll always be here for you.”

“I know and I’m glad.” I hug her once more before wrapping my arm around her own. “Lets go. Our baby is waiting.”

Valerie nods and we get to her house in no time. He parents greet me with smiles and leave minutes after we arrive. I hold Julie in my arms, rocking in the chair. She has a hold of her teddy bear and is hugging it into her chest.

“Do you want to watch a movie?” I ask her and she claps her hands. I slip in Barney, because for some strange unknown reason she likes that shit. Whatever, as long as she’s happy.

She sits in front of the TV seeming awe struck by the purple dinosaur. She bounces on the blanket I had set out while she has a tight grip on her bear. I smile and take a seat next to Valerie and watch her. Valerie hums beside me and rocks herself from side to side.

“Do you think she’s going to be a daddy’s girl?”

“That was random,” Valerie giggles, but smiles. “I don’t know. Do you want her to be?”

“Yes,” I answer bluntly.

Valerie rolls her eyes and shrugs. “Most likely. If she is, she’s living with you.”

I crack up at that. Of course she won’t want a teenage girl running around her house cussing her out. She’ll leave me with all the hard work. “Uh huh, make me do all the work.”

“You do all the work? Who gave birth to her? That is more than enough work.”

I grimace just thinking about it. That was possibly the most disgusting yet amazing thing I’ve ever witnessed. Seeing a life begin is amazing, but at the same time I could do without the screams of pain, agony, and the you know…disgustingness of birth.

“Can we…not talk about that?”

It’s Valerie’s turn to crack up with laughter because we both know I am scarred for life after that.

“Sure thing, sure thing.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Lol I love Valerie
My Journal Entry
It has something to do with homosexuality that I read
I'm ranting, you may or may not wish to read it
