‹ Prequel: When Things Go Wrong
Status: Complete.

Help Me.

Getting Over

"Aw, ain’t she the cutest?” Seth laughs, holding Julie and bouncing her on his lap. She smiles to show off the teeth working their way in and clutches onto his hands.

I smile, relieved that Seth is really so ok about me having a kid. Actually, he seems more excited about it than I am, which is odd. Speaking of Seth, he faces me with a smile that only he can make and says, “She looks like you.”

I flush. “Does she?”

He nods and for about three hours we play with Julie, watch her, feed her, so on so forth until my dad gets home. The moment he sees us he’s smiling and I already know why because he, just like Valerie, is happy that I’ve finally moved on.

He adores Seth and thinks it’s great that I’ve finally moved on.

“Seth, it’s nice to see you here, again.” My dad walks into the living room laughing. Seth gives him a toothy grin.

“I know, aren’t cha? I’m just a ball of sunshine.”

My dad makes his way towards Julie and takes her into his arms. It’s pretty much his way of saying that we’re allowed to leave now to go on our…date. Yes, you heard me right. Seth and I are going on our first date.

We’ve been dating for two weeks and 3 days ago Seth came stampeding into school demanding we go out. I, of course, had no say in the matter because really even if I didn’t want to go I’d go anyways. Seth’s pouting is just too hard to resist.

“You two have fun!” He waves good-bye. “Be back by midnight!”

“Oh, so I can keep you for the next 7 hours? Interesting.” Seth wiggles his eyebrows and I roll my eyes.

“I don’t even want to know what you’re thinking,” I tease, getting in the passenger seat of Seth’s car, or actually his moms car, but she always lets him take it.

Seth cackles. “No, ya don’t. People have told me that I have a strange mind.”

“Mm, I believe them.”

Seth makes a funny face, one that has me biting my lip to keep in the laughter. He backs up to head to the mall where we’re going to see a movie and go out to eat. We make it to the mall in no time. My body is trembling with excitement.

Seth intertwines our fingers the moment I reach his side. He kisses my cheek and I know I’m blushing, but so is Seth.

“Lets go!” Seth squeaks happily, tugging me along beside him to the cinema. There Seth steals my wallet and leaves me poor so I can’t pay for my ticket or my pop.

“You are an ass.” I rip my wallet from his fingers. Seth smirks and snuggles his head into the crock of my neck. I shiver at the hot breath running across my neck.

“But I came up with this date so I’m paying for it and you, my beautiful boy, will live with it.”

“B-Beautiful? What are you? An obsessed high school girl?” I look at Seth with amusement and of course, he says something strange as usual.

With possibly the most serious tone I’ve ever heard him use, he says, “Obviously. What? Do you think I’m an obsessed high school boy?”

I face palm, but smile anyways. “You’re so…weird.”

“Why thank you. You’re pretty unusual yourself.”

“Hey!” I pout, but the kiss Seth plants on my lips brings a smile to my face. The two of us fall silent when the commercials come on and Seth throws an arm around my shoulders. I sigh contently and rest my head on his shoulder.

And no we didn’t have a long, hot, rushed make out sessionalthough I wouldn’t have minded if we did. We actually sat there and watched the movie, which turned out to be pretty good and when it ended we both left to go get something to eat.

We decided on T.G.I. Friday’s and this time I informed Seth I’d pay for myself. He scowled, but shrugged his shoulders and mumbled something under his breath, which I smiled at. He was probably complaining about me being stubborn. He does that sometimes…

“I kissed a girl and I liked it! The taste of her cherry chap stick. I kissed a girl just to try it. I hope my boyfriend don’t mind it!”

I raise an eyebrow at Seth who continues to sing Katy Perry. A few others are giggling and staring at him while he sings and dances in his seat. After I realize that, yes this is very embarrassing, I hit him over the head with the menu.

“Hey! What was that for?” Seth asks around a pout. “I was singing KP…”

“I know and it was embarrassing,” I growl at the boy, taking a sip from my pepsi I sigh. “Besides…I don’t like you singing about kissing a girl.”

Seth laughs, “Aw baby, ya know that I’d share.”

I slam my head against the table while Seth chuckles like the idiot that he is. Sighing, I tilt my head to look up at him and around a smile I ask, “Why am I dating you?”

“Mm, cuz of my amazing charm, of course!” He exclaims, leaning down to my level to place a kiss to my lips. I shake my head and mumble a ‘whatever’. Seth really is such a weirdo…


“But it’s only 10! I get you for two more hours,” Seth whines after he walks me to my door. I roll my eyes, of course he’d complain about this…not that I don’t want to spend 2 more hours with him, but I don’t want my dad taking care of Julie all night. She is, after all, my daughter.

“I’ll see you later,” I say, leaning up to peck his lips, but Seth throws his arms around my waist to keep me from pulling away. My mind is screaming at me to pull away when I feel something warm and wet run across my bottom lip. But my body and heart is saying something completely different. Two beats one, right?

I throw one arm around his neck, my hand curling into his hair, and the other wraps itself around his waist, pulling us closer as I allow him entrance. Our tongues wrap around each other, massaging the other, before Seth pushes pass to explore my mouth. I moaned, or maybe it was Seth, into the kiss.

We pull apart for air, but only for a moment. Lips and teeth crash and I hiss quietly, but that hiss disappears the moment Seth runs his tongue over the rough of my mouth and across my cheeks. My hand, which was once on his back, moves back to his ass where I take a handful and squeeze.

Seth smirks and does the same. I battle with his own wet muscle and win. Pushing pass his lips I do the same to him that he did to me and am pleased to hear the slight groan vibrating in the back of his throat.

With a soft ‘pop’ we pull away, panting and lips bruised. Seth smirks and I flush, because I really just did that and didn’t think about Deni…maybe I really did need Seth in my life after all.

“I’ll call you,” Seth says, pecking my lips. I nod and move into my house, shutting the door behind me and listening to Seth’s car back out of the drive way and disappear.

I sigh and run my fingers through my hair because…I really am doing it. I’m really getting over Deni…
♠ ♠ ♠
This story will be over very soon
I have it all written ^.^
