‹ Prequel: When Things Go Wrong
Status: Complete.

Help Me.

I Don't Care

My limbs shook as I desperately tried not to do what I was brought here for. The kid before me had a grin on from ear to ear. His dirty blonde hair was tangled crazily and jeans too big for him. The look made him look slightly insane.

I could taste the metallic in my mouth from the force I had used to bite my bottom lip.

How this boy found amusement in insulting me, I’ll never know, but he better stop now before I flip.

“I heard you crying last night, you little pussy. Were you crying about your little boyfriend?” The kid laughed, punching me roughly in the chest.

“Shut up!” I hollered. So I was crying last night and yes it was because of Deni. It happens more often than none, but can you blame me? “I’ll fucking kill you!”

And I lost it.

The kid and I tumbled to the ground, fists and knee’s making contact with each other. We wrestled, rolling in the dirt while throwing punches at every chance we could get.

When I finally had the brat pinned I pummeled him, my fists making contact with his face. I loved the sound of his whimpers. I loved the pain that I could see in his eyes. I loved the aching in my fists and the soreness in my limbs from the previous beating he had just given.

Sadly, my adrenaline rush had to come to an end. Guards surrounded us, two of which grabbed me by the arms. The third got the helpless whimpering kid and helped him to the nurses office. I hollered at the men to let me go, but neither did it.

After we got inside and my fighting was annoying them they finally let go. I snarled like a wild animal at them before stomping my way to Brody, who they were taking me to see.

The look on his face when I entered was full of disappointment. It was what I was expecting and I was used to the look by now. It didn’t even phase me anymore.

“Max,” he sighed. “Please, take a seat.”

I did as he told. My blood was still rushing in my veins. I knew my face was red with anger. My fists were still clenched, as if I expected another fight to break out. I still felt angry and Brody knew this.

He got up and grabbed one of those anger balls. You know the ones you are supposed to squeeze to help relieve stress or whatever? Yeah, he got one of those and handed it to me.

I felt kind of bad for the poor thing. I squeezed it as hard as I possibly could while I screamed into a pillow, which Brody had also given to me. For a good fifteen minutes I took my anger out on inanimate objects. Poor things, but they can live with it.

When my breathing became normal and I felt myself calming Brody sighed in relief and asked, “So, what happened Max?”

“That little ass thought he could talk trash to me without facing the consequences,” I answered with a snarl. “I couldn’t just let him get away with it.”

“Fighting solves nothing.”

“Yes it does. It shut him up real fast.” Which it did. He couldn’t talk anymore when my fists were making contact with his gut, the little pussy.

“But that’s only for the moment.”

He made a point.

“Max, you need to stop this. Fighting isn’t helping you get out of here. It’s only adding to the time that you’re going to stay here,” Brody informed him.

I frowned. I knew this. I knew that fighting would only keep him here long, but it’s not like it was my fault. The kid was talking shit about me. If he’s going to talk shit than he’s going to get hit. It’s just how it is.

I sighed and nodded my head slowly, showing that I understood Brody. He smiled softly before telling me that I could leave. After hearing that I got to my feet and walked out of the room.

Man, when Brody tells dad about this I won’t hear the end of it. He really doesn’t like fighting, especially when I’m involved.

I’ll probably be grounded after I get home…or maybe not…

After all, when I get home all my friends will want to see me…if I still have friends when I get home. For all I know Marcus could be the only one left who actually gives a damn about me. He could just be saying that the others do because I haven’t heard from anyone except for him, Valerie, and dad.

Sighing, I shake my head and stalk off to my room where I find Glenn fast asleep in his bed, thankfully. I don’t like it when he’s awake…he’s slightly scary when he’s awake.

Is that mean to say?

I don't care.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know I'm updating this slowly
I'm sorry D=
