‹ Prequel: When Things Go Wrong
Status: Complete.

Help Me.

I Missed You

Slim fingers encased my own, they tugged me forward causing my feet to stumble over each other. Maybe if my eyes weren’t so concentrated on a head of red I would have been able to keep myself from tumbling over, but how could I possibly not be looking at Deni?

I met the ground, my face falling into the dirt. I shook my head and looked up into two green eyes that took my breath away.

Deni smiled and leaned down. His hand gripped my own a second time and helped me to my feet. His soft lips met my jaw line and whispered against it, “I love you.”

The words shook my insides. I shivered and gripped onto his hand, pulling him straight into my chest where I held him tight and kissed his forehead. “I love you too.”

“I missed you,” the beauty whispered into my chest. The grip he had around me tightening and fingers gripping my jacket as if his life depended on it.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Pulling him away I tilted my head to the side and asked, “What?”

“I missed you,” he repeated, green eyes looking up at me with tears on the brink of falling. Using the back of my hand I rub his cheek soothingly. “I missed you.”

I was ready to ask what he meant. I’ve been with him since the beginning so how could he miss me? But before my mouth could open for me to speak my world went black…

And my eyes opened.

Curiously my eyes glanced around the room. I prayed and prayed for Deni to appear. A lump formed in my throat as I watched through the darkness. There was a movement and for a moment, a mere moment I thought, he’s back.

But when Glen walked into the moon light all my prayers were crushed. Apparently God doesn’t like me so much.

Glen looked at me, his eyes wide and body shivering. Mumbling, he asked me, “W-What?”

“Nothing…I just thought…never mind,” I answered, climbing back under my covers. I readjust myself and close my eyes, but sleep never came. My mind was concentrated on one thing and one thing only; Deni.


“W-What?” I asked with wide eyes. “I…I can go home?”

“Yep,” Brody answered with a huge grin. “But, you have to come visit me twice a week.”

I felt my heart throbbing insanely within my chest. My body shivered and eyes blinked multiple times to make sure that Brody was really in front of me. I rubbed my ears to check if something was stuck in there spewing lies into my head.

But nothing was there.

He was telling the truth. He was really…telling me the truth. I’m going home…I’ll see Julie everyday and I won’t have to put up with all these kids anymore. I’ll have a normal lifesomewhat.

I can visit Deni…


I packed the last of my things into my suitcase. Just as I did this Brody walked into my room with a smile. Mine was ten times bigger than his and I grabbed my things, quickly following him out of this hell hole. When I saw dad outside waiting for me with Julie in his arms, I bolted.

Dad laughed and hugged me tight before giving her to me. Julie smiled sweetly and whispered, “Dada.”

I felt my chest explode with excitement. Smiling, I kiss her nose and carry her to the back where I put her in her car seat and sat next to her. She played with my fingers and hair, which had me smiling all the way home.

When we got home I grabbed Julie. She held onto me tight while trying to chew on my hair. I laughed and tugged it out of her mouth whenever I was scared she might choke. Dad and I walked up the steps and he opened the front door to show Valerie, her parents, and all my friends.

I smiled with delight as they all screamed, “Welcome home, Max!”

I felt my bottom lip begin to tremble as I desperately tried to hold in my tears, of joy of course. I felt like I belonged again. I didn’t feel like a freak when Valerie hugged me. I didn’t feel like a piece of shit for messing so much stuff up. I felt…normal again.

And that was exactly what I needed.

After the party ended Valerie left with Julie. I said good-bye to them both before going into the living room where I took a seat on the couch. I smiled as I relaxed into the soft cushions that didn’t have pizza crust hidden everywhere.

I flipped on the TV, loving that we had so many channels and I could sit here as long as I wanted. I smiled and turned the TV up so loud that my dad walked in and screamed, “Max, what are you doing?”

“Sorry,” I laughed, turning it back down. “I’m enjoying my freedom.”

He rolls his eyes at me and ruffles my hair. I smile up at him and sigh, knowing that what I’m about to ask might bother him. Taking in a deep breath I ask, “Can I…go see Deni tomorrow?”

He looked down at me with a frown. We both know that me going to visit him will only cause me pain, but I wanted to see him. I wanted to talk to him and visit him. I feel like…it’s wrong not to.

“Sure,” he answered, kissing my forehead. “If that’s what you want.”

“Yeah…I need it.”
♠ ♠ ♠
This story is so slow but I just don't have the motivation to write it
Sorry D=
I'll try harder
