‹ Prequel: When Things Go Wrong
Status: Complete.

Help Me.

What About Deni?

“What do you mean neither of you have this class with me?” I ask and silently pray that they’re kidding. I can’t go 45 minutes alone in a class full of haters!

We all look at our schedules again to see that I am alone eighth period. They all give me a hug and say good-bye. This is hell, pure hell I tell you!

I frown and head towards my next class. The moment my foot enters the room, the class goes silent. Of course they would. I am the psycho after all, the killer, the freak. It shouldn’t have surprised me, but it did. And it hurt.

I stiffen and look around to see them all looking at me, some are frightened and others angry. I inhale and look at the ground while I go straight to the back of the room where I take the only empty seat. I don’t want to see their eyes. I don’t want to see the glares…

I continue staring at the ground until…“Why hi there!”

I straighten up and look beside me to see him, that kid with Deni’s same green eyes. He smiles kindly at me and I can’t help but wonder if he knows about me. Does he know I’m a freak? Scum? I doubt it since he’s talking to me.

He can’t be. He smiled, is still smiling. There’s no way…but I greet him anyways…


The boy looks about the room and he seems to notice all them looking at me. He looks back at me and asks, “So you’re the Max everyone’s all been talkin’ about?”

I’m shocked to hear him speak my name. He knows it? He knows about me? “You know…me?”

“Of course, you’re the talk of the school,” he replies with a slight shrug. “You’re da crazy mother fucker.”

“And you’re…still talking to me?” I question him, leaning forward to watch his facial expression. He hears people call me crazy and yet he’s speaking to me. I just want to see his reaction.

“Yeah~,” he replies with wide eyes that clearly states he has no idea why he wouldn’t. He didn’t know the whole story. He couldn’t, because no one at the school does except my friends. If he knew the whole story he wouldn’t be speaking to me.

“Oh,” I sigh and look away. I’m not going to tell him the truth. Someone is actually talking to me so…why would I ruin that?

I suddenly remember that earlier I didn’t get his name. Quickly, before I forget I look back at him. “Hey…what’s your name?”

He perks up and smiles sweetly at me. His eyes twinkle with what seems like excitement. I can‘t help but think that he‘s like a child, smiling all the time. “Seth. Seth Namit.”

Seth…I like that. It suits him…

“All right, settle down class! This may be the first day but that doesn’t mean we aren’t going to work!” Mrs. Holloway, our English teacher, shouts above us.

Seth turns back to the front and leans on his desk. Mrs. Holloway begins explaining the classroom rules, what we’ll be doing this year, and what we need. When she gave us journals and told us to write Seth seemed to be completely thrilled and I watch from beside him to see him scribbling away with his tongue sticking out the side of his mouth.He’s pretty cute.

I tear my eyes from him. I can’t think that, what about Deni?

My journal is blank even after thirty minutes in class. I have no idea what to write or even what I could. I’ve never been very good at writing…but suddenly an idea came to mind. This is a journal, right? I can write about whatever I want…but it has to be school appropriate…

So I begin writing down my dream. I scribble on the paper about seeing Deni again, about having him back, holding him, hugging him, and kissing him. I write about the things I want back and when the bell rings to signal the end of class I feel like a huge weight has been taken off my shoulders.

I stand up to put my journal away and turn around only to run into Seth, again. He laughs, “You seem ta like running into me.”

My cheeks catch fire and I mentally curse Seth for being sogorgeous close. “Yeah, sorry about that.”

Seth shrugs. “It’s ok I don‘t mind.”

I watch him put his journal away and throw his messenger bag over his shoulder. He smiles at me one last time before heading out the door while saying, “See you later, Max!”

Once he’s gone I realize that I’ve been standing there looking like an idiot the entire time. I growl, how embarrassing! He probably thinks I’m stupid or something…

Wait, why do I care? I don’t! I don’t care. Just because he’s hot doesn’t mean I should care. Wait…no he isn’t gorgeous! He’s normal looking, normal!

I snarl and run out of the room to find Valerie. She laughs when I run into her arms and shout, “I hate school!”

“Don’t we all?” Valerie giggles, rubbing my back. “What happened?”

“Do you know a kid named Seth?” I ask her. “He sounds like he’s from the country-”

“You mean Seth Namit? Yeah, he came about a week or two after you left. Why?”

“He talked to me!” I exclaim, grabbing her shoulders and shaking her to make sure she understands.

“Isn’t that a good thing?”

“Kind of…but he can’t possibly know the whole story.”

Valerie nods. “Then he knows the rumors, which are worse then the true story so either way he’ll talk to you…why are you so worked up over it?”

I stiffen and quickly look away. I can’t tell her that I find him attractive. What will that make her think? It’ll be like betraying Deni, which is bad.

“Nothing…it’s just weird,” I reply, following her out of the school and towards Marcus’s car. The two of us along with Turner and Jeremy jump in the car. When they drop me off at home I say good-bye and walk inside.

“Hey Max, how was school?”

“I hate it,” I answer, looking right at my dad. “Do I have to go?”

He laughs, “Yeah. It isn’t that bad.”

I roll my eyes, yeah that’s what he thinks.
♠ ♠ ♠
Please check out my new story with Emy. We got some good idea's!
Not A Soul
Oh and here's Seth
