The Summer That Changed Everything

Dinner with Daren

After about 3 or 4 hours of laying on the beach, I carried Schuyler back to the house for dinner.

"Go get washed up, we are having dinner with some friends of mine. I'd love for you to meet them." Aunt Olivia said when I walked in the door.

I walked upstairs feeling sun burnt and took a cool shower. I got out and slipped on a blue knee length dress and white heels. I brushed my wavy black hair the flowed past the middle of my back and then applied make-up.

"Is Schuyler ready?" I asked one I reached downstairs.

"Yes, take her out to the car please." I picked her up noticing her cute white skirt and red button up shirt and red sandals. Her long blonde hair was up halfway and the bottom half was curly.

I carried her to the car and buckled her up then climbed in beside her.

"Where are we going?" Schuyler asked.

"We are going to go eat."

"Oh." She replied.

We drove for about 30 minutes before we reached the restaurant. It looked really fancy and expensive. I followed behind Aunt Olivia until we reached our table.

"They should be here soon." Aunt Olivia announced once everyone was seated.

I looked over the menu which looked like a different language to me.

"So, um, what is good here?" I asked.

She named off a couple of items off the menu pronouncing them all perfectly. I just blinked and she laughed.

"I'll order for you."

I smiled. "Thanks."

Schuyler threw her bottle at me trying to get my attention.

"What Shi?"

She pointed towards the door.

"They are here!" Aunt Olivia called excitedly. My mouth dropped when I saw the boy, where had I seen him before?

"Joe, Sarah, Autumn, Schuyler, these are my dear friends, Grace, Jim, and their son Daren."

Then it hit me. Daren! Of course! The boy from the beach.

"Hey." He smiled at me.

"Hi." I smiled back politely. He was wearing a white button up shirt and black jeans. His hair was slicked back and his green eyes were sparkling.

"You look good." He said as he sat across from me.

"Thanks. You too."

We ordered our food and ate while we talked. I found out Daren is 17, his favorite color is blue, and our lucky number was the same- 19. Turns out Daren was pretty cool.

"Wanna go for a walk?" He asked as we finished out dinner.


The moon was shining brightly and the stars twinkled in the sky. I took off my heels and carried them in my hand as we walked side by side down the beach.

We walked to the pier at the end of the beach and back talking and laughing about everything. I could feel a special friendship starting to form between us.

I must have not been paying attention because I ended up tripping over my own feet. I grabbed Daren's arm to try and break my fall only but causing him to fall right on top of me.

I burst into laughter. "Sorry." I finally managed to say. I almost started to laugh again except when I looked into his eyes, I could barely breathe.

I never realized how truly gorgeous he was until now. I could see a smile creeping up in his flawless face.

"What?" I asked.

"You have sand all over your face." He said then wiped it off.

I suppressed the sudden urge to kiss his as he pulled his hand away.

He smiled at me and I couldn't help but smile back. He tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and slowly leaned down to kiss me. I could feel my heart racing.

He was just seconds away when his phone rang, ruining the moment.

He rolled off of me and I let out a breathe I didn't know I was holding.

"Hello?" He said in an irritated tone.

"Yeah, we are coming." He snapped his phone shut and placed it back in his pocket.

"We are leaving?"

"Yeah." He took my hand and we walked back.

Later that night after everyone went to bed, I crawled up to my room and laid on my bed thinking about tonight.

I jumped when my phone rang.


"We should hang out tomorrow."



I laughed. "How did you get my number?"

"Your mom, my mom." He sighed dramatically making me laugh more.

"So how about it?"

"Well, I guess I don't have any plans."

"You do now." I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Okay, so I'll see you tomorrow then."

"Night Autumn."

"Night Daren."

I closed my phone and set it on my dresser then fell on bed and waited for sleep to take me.
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