Status: updating randomly ^.^

THE private EDGE


“Turn it up!” I practically screamed over the noise. It was ‘Top 25 Pop Remix 2009, Blame It on the Pop’.

I was grinding up against Kane and Chelsea with a cup in my hand. They started a tango train; I joined in, laughing and yelling. When I passed the kitchen I jumped out and ducked through the swinging doors.

I started rifling through the fridge and random boxes that were lying around, fighting to stay on two feet.

I stood up and looked around, confused.

“Ry, what are you doing in here?”

“I’m tryin’ to finda drink.” I grabbed onto a bench as I tripped over my feet, Daniel’s hand closed around my waist at the same time.

“I think you’ve had enough to drink.”

“Na-ah,” I slurred shaking my head.

“Riley, you’re drunk.”

"As a skunk.”

“Come on.” He grabbed my waist and lifted me onto the bench; he grabbed my cup and filled it with something. I took a big gulp as he handed it back.

I spat it out in the sink. “What is that shit?”

“Water. Drink up.”

I grimaced and forced more down. I had a stale metallic taste lingering in my mouth, I tried to wash it out with water but it wouldn’t work. I dropped the cup carefully in the sink and turned back to Daniel.

“Any better?”

I rubbed my head where I could feel a migraine growing. “No.”

“Come on. You need coffee.”

I regarded him with cautious eyes before sliding off the bench grasping his offered hand. Being the gentlemen, he helped me out of Emmer’s, I told Kane and Andy not to worry about me...I think. Crap, I couldn’t remember. As we shuffled out of the front door I twisted around and tried to dash clumsily back in.

“Where do you think you’re going?” He caught my wrist.

“I have to tell Kane an’ Andy that I-”

“No, you don’t,” he chuckled. I shot him a dirty glare. “Trust me.”

I huffed, but followed... actually, it was more like carried. As we continued down the street I was constantly tripping on the pavement, Daniel waited patiently, never remarking on my shocking sense of balance or self awareness being drunk-ish.

We rounded the corner of the street; the scent of grounded coffee beans hit my nostrils. This was the popular Coffee House a short walk from school, majorly because they made the best coffee and cakes in town. I stumbled ahead of Daniel, regaining my senses slightly.
I pushed the door open and stepped in. Closing time was usually around nine but on Friday and Saturday night’s it stays open until about midnight, I glanced at the clock hanging on the wall. It was half past eleven. Daniel walked past and stopped at the counter. I stopped next to him.

“Hey, Reese.” I smiled. She was always at the counter.

“Hey, Riley, the usual?”

“Yes, please.” I turned to Daniel; he ordered and led me to a spare seat. I scanned the
shop; there were at least three or four other couples talking quietly over steaming coffee or hot chocolate.

I smiled to myself, warm air from the heater seeped into my skin; I cuddled myself close, cradling the warmth. I locked gazes with Daniel.

“Thank you for this, Dan,” I murmured quietly.

“Just taking care of my best friends’ little sister,” he smiled. Thinking back on it, I just could not see how Chase and Daniel got along so damn well. From what I knew they’d been friends since eight grade.

“Speaking of which, why are you here?”

“Visiting my mad auntie, she insisted on dropping by during Uni break.”

I laughed. Reese ambled over to us and placed our drinks on the table. I closed my hands around my hot mug of caramel latte.

Daniel chuckled quietly as Reese left. “Are you still hooked on that stuff?”

“You’re one to talk. Let me take a guess, mocha with soy milk, two sugars, brown, and marshmallows?”

“You have soy milk too,” he pouted.

“It’s beside the point, and I use artificial sweeteners,” I pointed out, rolling my eyes at his obnoxious expression. I took a sip, closing my eyes.

“You’re unbelievable.”

I glared up at him. He just laughed and looked away, we fell into silence. I studied my coffee, feeling my head slowly begin to clear up.
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holazz readerzz!! sorry it took so long... been busy *sighs* ill try to put more up soon... ASAP!! haha
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