Status: updating randomly ^.^

THE private EDGE


“Am I boring you?”

“No, no. By all means, continue.” Kayla didn’t need telling twice.

“Well, after dinner we went for a walk and he took me to an ice-cream store,” she gushed. “I got mint and raspberry, it was the best...” She rolled onto her back and waved her arms above her.

I sighed and rested my head on my pillow. I stared out a small slit in the curtains where a single ray of dim sunlight shone through. Rubbing my eyes, I kicked the sheets off my legs.

“How was your night?”

“Daniel’s visiting. I caught up with him yesterday-”

“Ooh, I miss Daniel,” she broke in.

“Yea. Other than that it was an average Emmer’s night.” I yawned glancing at the clock, it was nine thirty. I jumped out of bed; a wave of dizziness hit my head. I grabbed my ‘graffiti’ bra and a random pair of knickers.

“I’m having a shower.” I heard Kayla’s mumbled response. Stepping into the ensuite I automatically flicked the fan and light switch. I threw my stylish Eeyore pyjamas at in the washing basket and stepped into the marble lined shower. I twisted the ‘cold’ tap, and fresh, icy water spilled onto my face.

I dashed out of the shower, slipping on the tiles with my wet feet. I made a grab for my towel, rubbing it rapidly over my body. I flicked the heat lights on, feeling the immediate heat hit my shoulders. I hunched within the towel and crept into the room. Kayla shuffle in her light sleep.

I pulled on a pair of old jeans and a tank top, just as I was walking toward the door with socks in my hand Kayla flipped over and her eyes shot open.

“Where are you going?”

“To the stables, wanna come?”

“Mm, yep.” She threw herself out of bed, faster than I would’ve thought possible for Kayla Corvorskii. Tripping over her shoes, she reefed on a pair of jeans also and an old band shirt. Grabbing socks, she met me at the door in less than a minute.

“Let’s go.” She walked ahead of me, racing to get the lift. She stopped and started prodding at the ‘down’ button. I caught up to her just as one opened, I slipped in and press ‘close doors’ button. She lurched in and swatted me over the head. I laughed as the lift descended.

When we reached ground level we both walked to the stables without breakfast. As it usually happened. Once we were at the back of the school, we followed the dirt path that lead to the stables. The closest block to where we were was the extended library, mostly used for test or studying during free periods. I ran ahead of Kayla as I heard a familiar whinny.

I curled my toes to hold onto my thongs, the large stable shed came into view. My eyes scanned the occupied paddocks and the arena as I hurried past. I slowed to walk when some students walked past with their horses; I rounded the corner and entered the stable.

“Good morning, Riley. You’re not as early as usual.”

“Morning Ms. Plentallam, slept in,” I smiled. Ms. Plentallam was the head riding instructor, she ran the stables. She had long black hair, when it reflected off the sun it looked blue. Her pale silver eyes flicked behind me.

“Kayla not with you?” her brow furrowed.

“She’s behind me.” I didn’t to turn around to see how far behind; instead I left Ms. Plentallam and stopped at the ninth stable on the left. On the door was the number nine and the name Jindabyne, his head popped out. I scuffed his black forelock; he was an Anglo Arab, purebred, and my favourite horse here.

He only let the people he liked near him, which weren’t many. He wasn’t very fond of Kayla but he tolerated her, she passed me stopped at number ten. A dapple grey head poked out, she kissed Karman’s nose. He was a gelding as well as Jindabyne. He was a purebred Quarter horse, he was Kayla’s favourite.

We both walked into the tack room and grabbed our riding boots and put them on before grabbing our horses tack. On our walk down the breezeway the stable hand, Zach, walked out of number eighteen.

“Good morning, girls. Have a good ride.”

“Thanks, Zach.” Zach was a dark man, he never really spoke to anyone much, but we’d
been in these stables since year seven, so we’d grown on him. He was in his fifties, but refused to leave. He loved his job, and I couldn’t blame him.

I threw my saddle and saddle cloth over the stable door. Opening the door Jindabyne reached out and sniffed my hand for treats, I slipped the halter over his nose and did it up, then gave him the carrot I was hiding. I walked out with him at my shoulder nuzzling my pockets.

“I don’t have any more,” I laughed. Kayla already had Karman out and was grooming him, when she saw Jindabyne she scrunched her nose up.

“Evil horse.”

“Just ‘cause he threw you off,” I teased. I knew it was more to do with the fact that Kayla hated Arabs. I simply loved them.

I tied him up and started to groom him. Once I had him sparkling black, I laid his white saddle cloth on his back evenly then placed the polished all-purpose saddle on top. I slid the bridle off my shoulder and put it on him. I peaked over as I was untying him, Kayla was waiting for me. She had the same tack as I did.

We could choose what colour the saddle blanket was, but they all had the school emblem in the corner, she’d chosen white too. We walked out and mounted. After a short warm up in the open arena we headed to the trail that lead to river that ran through the school grounds.
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^.^ hope ur enjoy!! i really should be doing me science assignment thats due tomorrow
but instead i decided to update!!!