Status: updating randomly ^.^

THE private EDGE


Her smile was so wide it looked like it hurt, her eyes were shining and she was in the arms of... (Drum roll)...James! Yay! ...I’m going to kill her. He had his arms around her waist while he grinned at me; Kayla kissed his cheek and threw her arms around his neck.

Oh, boy. Should’ve seen it coming.

“Kayla, care to explain? (Silence) No? Ok. James?”

“I...I just asked her out. Kind of expected her to say no but guess she proved me wrong...” his voice faded away as he became too immersed in her eyes. (Huh? He asked her out? Oh yea, that’s just great.)

“What are you gawking at?”

“Piss off, Anna.”

“Oh honey, just before I do, forget to mention. Stay away from my man.” Her eyes narrowed as she studied my expression. It started with a smile, then a small giggle, and then I exploded in laughter. I clucked my stomach and concentrated on breathing properly.

“I...I’m sorry. But did you just say ‘stay away from my man’?’”

“Yes, and I trust you’ll do as I say to keep you’re self in one piece.”

“You’re not in the position to be throwing around threats, honey.”

“Listen to me,” she growled, “Jared is mine. I’ve got him right where I want him, so keep your slutty hands off him.”

“That almost sounded like you were worried that he doesn’t like you.” I knew that he did like her, but I’m a shit stirrer. So, who can you blame?

“Doesn’t like me?” she let out a piercingly high laugh. “Don’t be ridiculous.”

Ooh, she was getting on my nerves. I mean did she seriously have to keep talking?

“Don’t take it the wrong way, I suppose your pretty and whatnot, but I don’t think you’re his type.”

In this situation: Rational response would be to walk away, and ignore her statements and empty threats...or if I was feeling epic...

I wasn’t taking anymore, she’d barked up the wrong tree today. My fist came flying out, I punched her square in the nose, not quite sure if I felt or heard bones cracking.

She screamed melodramatically and stumbled away from me. Wiping some of the blood that was slowly oozing out of her nose away, she snarled then lurched at me. I saw a delicate, manicured hand flying for my face. As I ducked my head was too slow, pain broke out in my cheek. I cupped my face and stared at Anna in disbelief.

“I didn’t think you had it in you,” I said, stepping up to her.

“I’m full of surprises,” she mocked.

“Me too.” When she was within arm’s reach I grabbed her shoulder and dug my knee into
her stomach, she doubled over before two extremely strong arms caught my shoulders.

“What are you doing?” His voice was oddly familiar, though I could place it.

“What does it look like I’m doing?”

“Taking advantage of people that obviously can’t fight back.”

“Taking advantage?” I exclaimed, incredulous. I broke of his hold and spun around. “Of course it’d look like that to you.”

Jared’s brow furrowed. I rolled my eyes and stalked off.

“This isn’t over, Bitch!” I heard her screech from behind me. I flipped her off over my shoulder and walked back into the dining hall where my half eaten lunch was waiting. I rubbed my cheek where Anna’s slap still lingered. The girls were waiting at the table expectantly, I slouched down next to Amber, she tried to cover up her laugh with a not-so-convincing cough as she saw me poking my red cheek.

“What the hell happened to your face, Ry?”

“Shut up.” She burst out laughing.

“Don’t you have to go keep tabs on Jonny?” Hayley looked over through a mouthful of chicken schnitzel.

“No. He’s with Conner and Ply, I trust them,” she smiled sweetly. I rolled my eyes and scanned the hall, Ms. Helen was heading our direction quiet fast.

“Riley, I need to speak with you.” I dropped my fork. Seriously? Can’t I just eat my lunch?

“See you guys later.” I got up and started to walk away.

“Oh. Riley, don’t forget tonight,” Chelsea said. I shot her a look. Does she need a megaphone to announce to the whole school that we were having a party outside of school grounds? She just shrugged.

I caught up with Ms. Helens long strides.

“What’d I do this time?”


“No kidding.”

“Riley, why did you have to hit her?”

“She slapped me.”

“Before or after?”

“After. But that’s not the point.”

“Riley, this has got to stop.”

“I’ll get a restraining order on her. If she stays away no one will get hurt...Where are we going?”

“Her dad was on his way to pick her up for the weekend, he wants to speak with you and the Head.”

“Oh, shit.”

“No kidding.” She pushed the Reception doors open and headed straight to the Heads office. I looked down at myself and silently groaned; I was still on the dirt covered clothes from this morning.

I could hear voices in the office before I entered. No fear.

“This is unacceptable! Look at her face-“

Anna’s primp father, Jefferson, stopped short of continuing to complain and tried to stare me down. It didn’t work; I took my usual seat opposite to the Heads desk. Jefferson was pacing the room randomly walking over to his daughter to ask her for the umpteenth time if she was alright.

I grimaced as I saw the mark I left on her. She had a blood nose, a small split in her lip and red rimmed eyes, poor drama queen.

“This is Riley Simmons, Mr. Williams.”

“Do you have an explanation for what you did?” He turned to me.

“I do, but it’s about as irrelevant as her dramatising,” I replied coolly. His eyes darkened.

“Riley,” Mrs. England warned.

“I punched her, ok. She’s bleeding, whatever. Shit happens”-I turned to her-“Grow up.”
Her eyes became slits. “I will not have you talking to my daughter like that,” Jefferson barked. “I want you to stay away from my daughter, do you hear me?”

“Sir if I may. Your daughter is sixteen, I’m sure she’s perfectly capable of handling this herself,” I said.

“Are you sixteen yourself?”

“I am.”

“Then how about we handle this like mature adults?”

“I’m not apologising,” Anna stated.

“Annalisa, speak when spoken to.” I glanced at Jefferson, did he just say that?

“Mr. Williams, your daughter and I have a history, not a very good one, but a history none the
less. I can promise you that I’ll keep my hands off her if she does she same.” He looked thoughtful.


“Yea, ok, whatever.”

“So it’s settled. Let’s go.” Anna rose and stomped out after her father, she threw a death glare in my direction.

“Bitch,” I mumbled under my breath.

“Riley,” the Head began. “You got lucky; Mr. Williams isn’t a very pleasant man when he wants to be. I’m glad you’ve come to some kind of agreement but hold your tongue on this one. I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt here. Just let this one go.”

I studied Mrs. England’s profile. She looked exhausted, and stressed.

“Miss I think you need some time off.”

She let out an emotionless laugh. “I can’t afford time off.”

“I’d seriously be considering it.” I rose from my seat and saw myself out. Ms. Helen gave me a nod, obviously hearing my last statement.
♠ ♠ ♠
hey heyys fellow mibbians!!! sorri it took so long to update!!!!
so its an extra long chapter for you!!!! YARRRR!!
and i love my readers cause guess what??
i have a star!!!!! yayayayayayay read and comment