Status: For A Baby Changes Everything




There are two words that can explain me.

Party girl.

I just turned twenty-one last week and am now legally allowed to drink.

Not that that’s ever stopped me before, but it’s still a whole new experience.

Tonight’s party is a frat one, which means there’s lots of alcohol and flesh.

The beat of the music synchronized with my heart and was translated through the bump and grind of my body.

The dance floor was hot, and I don’t just mean the good looking guys. Sweat rolled down my back to dampen my barely there shirt and my short skirt continued to rise further up my thighs with a little help of the guy grinding behind me.

After a few songs I break away from the dancers and move to the bathroom. At the door I run into another female that dashed right through the door.

She looked flushed, tired, distraught, and her eyes held a ton of pain.

“Hey, are you okay?” I asked

Her clothes were tangled and… is that blood on her pants?

Without even acknowledging me she ran off, dodging the partiers and exiting the house.

Huh, that was weird.

Shrugging I walked into the bathroom only to stop at what I saw.

There was blood and discolored fluid everywhere and in the farthest corner, bundled into a jean jacket, was a baby.

A baby who wasn’t making any noise.

I run to the infant, sighing in relief when the little eyes look at me with interest and the tiny chest moved with each breath.

This must be why that girl ran off, but why leave her baby?

And why not tell anyone she was in labor?

Surely someone would have cared enough to help.

Pushing myself up I move to go get help, but the baby raised little hands to me.

I can’t just leave the baby alone.

Picking the tiny being up I glance and find out that it’s a boy.

An adorable little boy.

Cradling the boy I exit the bathroom and run to my friend Alan.

“Whoa, I didn’t know you were pregnant!” He stated as he swayed with drunkenness.

Maybe he’s not the best help at the moment.

Turning I pull my phone from my pocket and dial the nationally known emergency number.

“Nine, one ,one, what’s your emergency?”

“Yes, I’m at 6235 N Anderlen Drive and I just found a newly born baby in the bathroom.”

“Alright, an emergency crew is on their way, do you know who the mother is?”

“No,” I sighed, “I think I saw her leave, but I don’t recognize her.”

“Okay, the ambulance is almost there, keep the baby warm and try not to introduce any foreign chemicals or object. We don’t want the baby to catch any viruses.”

Cradling the phone I tighten the jacket around the baby, walking out into the warm night to get away from all the drunks.

In the distance I see flashing lights and can hear sirens, “They’re here.”

“That’s good, just do what they say and everything should be fine.”


I’m currently sitting in the waiting room.

I was able to ride in the ambulance, most likely because the baby would cry every time I wasn’t near.

The cops already questioned me, but since I didn’t know much it wasn’t a long process.

“Mrs. Jones?”

I look up to see one of the doctors that was in charge of the baby’s care.

“Yes?” I stand from the uncomfortable plastic chair.

“He’s just fine, one of the healthiest baby’s I’ve seen in a while.”

I sigh in relief, “That’s good. What happens next?”

“Well, he’ll be put into an orphanage when he’s old enough. The police are looking for his mother though I doubt any judge will let her have custody.”

I nod, thoughts traveling through my head.

I can’t believe what I’m about to suggest, “What if I would like to adopt him?”

The doctor smiled, “I’d say that’s a wonderful idea. Here’s the number to the orphanage and a judge I know who’ll appreciate your care.”

I take the paper with shaking hands.

My God, this baby changes everything.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope this is good!