Status: Complete

Check Yes Juliet

Yours for the Taking

So my father didn’t let me out of the house, of course he didn’t. Alex sent me a sad face when I told him. Then because of the ‘stunt’ I pulled and the nagging I did to go I couldn’t go out all weekend long. Alex sent me text messages all weekend long trying to get me to sneak out so I could just go be with him. I couldn’t; I don’t think I ever would sneak out against my parent’s will.

Right now I was sitting in class staring at the notes the teacher had written on the board. I started doodling on my paper waiting for the bell to ring and when the bell finally rang I all but ran out of the class heading to my locker. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and held it in my locker so no teachers could see and sighed at the text message from Fallon.

Doctor’s Appointment, we can’t walk home together :[

What if I get raped?!

Haha call Alex then, I’m sure he’ll give you a ride home ;] but I’m getting called in to the back now, love you I smiled at my best friend’s text and shoved my phone into my purse and closed my locker behind me.

I pushed the main doors to the school open and started walking home. I waved at a few of the acquaintances who said my name and then continued my journey home. Fallon was right, I could always call Alex and he would come get me; I mean it was no secret that we liked each other, everyone just always had bad timing.

“Need a ride?” He asked, a contagious smile crossing his face.

“Actually I need the exercise,” I smiled. I started walking again and he drove slow enough to keep at a pace with me. “Shouldn’t you be practicing or something?”

“You don’t want to see me?”

“Actually I love seeing your face,” I smiled. “I was just asking a question and how did you know Fallon wasn’t with me?”

“She called me and told me to come and get you,” he answered. “Just get in.”

“I don’t ride in the car with strangers,” I replied. “They might rape me.”

“You can’t rape the willing sweetheart,” he smirked and I rolled my eyes before crossing over and getting into his car. “Since we’re almost to my house there’s few things I need to take care of so my baby doesn’t break down.”

“I just have to be home by five,” I said, leaning my head against the window. We pulled into his driveway and I got out of the car while he popped the hood. “Alexander Gaskarth knows about cars,” I smirked nudging him playfully.

“I do know about cars, thank you,” he smiled, reaching for the filter and pulled it out.

“You need a new filter,” I smiled taking the dirty filter from him. “I know a little,” I shrugged, making sure not to touch anything too hot. I giggled at him when he made sure to brush our hands; he really was adorable. I got my hands a little dirty and wiped the black oil on his cheek at first he looked up at me looking slightly angry. “I ruined your face,” I smiled.

“You’re going to pay for that,” he smirked putting a bit of oil on his finger and tried to wipe it on face, but I grabbed his arms as they went for my face. We continued to wrestle for a minute until I fell on the grass and he wiped the oil on my nose.

“Hey,” I protested.

“All’s fair in love and war, babe,” he smiled. I giggled at him and pushed the hair out of my eyes and watched him sit up. We both got quiet trying to figure out trying to figure who was going to make the first move. He brought his head closer to mine and when our lips were just millimeters apart a car rolled up.

“Juliet,” we both looked in the direction of the voice. “Time to go home,” my father said trying to sound nice but we both knew his tone said something completely different. I sighed and grabbed Alex’s hand and got up.

“Come to the show tomorrow,” he whispered.

“I’ll try,” I smiled and grabbed my bag from next to his car and got in my father’s car.

“Why were you with that boy?” My father asked.

“Fallon had a doctors appointment and he was giving me a ride home, but he needed to change his oil first,” I replied, looking out the rearview mirror, seeing him standing in the middle of the street with his hands in his pockets.

“And that’s why you have oil on your face, and you two were on the grass?” The accusation was clear in his voice.

“We were just having fun, dad,” I replied with a roll of my eyes. “I like him dad and he likes me.”

“No he just likes the idea of getting into your pants,” he said. “Boys his age are only interested in one thing.”

“Just because you were… you, when you were a teenager doesn’t mean every boy is like that,” I said. “He’s a good person dad, if he just wanted to have sex with me he would have tried a long time ago.” I was angry, I got out of the car once the car hit the driveway and slammed the door shut and hurried to my room. He followed me along with my mother and stood in the doorway with my mother behind.

“You are forbidden to see him again,” he said pointing his finger.

“What else is new?” I mumbled falling onto my bed.

Come tomorrow :]

I already told you I’d think about it :)
♠ ♠ ♠
Only one or two chapters left depending on what I feel :]
I told you it was going to be really short.