The Truth in the End

The truth in the end part 7

That night at the hotel, she took the three tests that Zack told her to buy, Every one was positive. She couldn't wait to tell Zack. He would be so happy. She was going to wait til the morning, when he got there to tell him. She looked over at Zander, who was sleeping. "Wow." she said bluntly. "How am i going to do this again?" She figured that it was going to be easier noe that Zacky was around. That eased her and mader her smile. She laid down beside Zander and drifted off to sleep.

The next morning came fast it seemed. She was awakened by her phone ringing. It was Zacky. She groggily answers it. "Hello?" she said. "Hey baby, You ready to go?" he asked. "Umm. Yeah." she replied as she reached for her phone to see what time it was. "Where are you?" he asked. "I'm at the Holiday" she replied. "Ok." he replied. I'm on my way." She quickly jumped up and grapped her things. "Zander," she said shaking him. No response. "Oh my God!" she said alertly. "What's wrong?" Zack asked. "He's not breathing" she screamed." I'm here" he said. "I'm on my way up right now." he hung up the phone. She continued to try to get him to a responsive state. She heard Zack at the door. She ran over and opened it. He stormed in. "Get ur things and hurry" he demanded, as he picked him up. "We have to go now." he yelled. "He needs a doctor." She noticed the fear in his voice. She knew he was serious and she grabbed all her things and they headed out the door, When they got to the parking lot he laid him in the back seat. They sped to the hospital, but it was too late, When they got there he was pronounced dead on arrival. When the doctor told them the news Zack hit his knees. "No" he screamed. "This can't be happeing." he said. "Not now." She fell in front of him and took him into her arms as he sobbed. She cried with him. They were at a loss for words toward eachother. She had Just lost someone who she had been around since day one and he had lost the only thing that he felt meant the world to him. Then finally.. "I can't do this." he said as he got up and walked away. "Zack" she cried walking after him. She grabbed his arm and jerked him around enveloping him in a hug. "You're not gona do this to me" she said. "You're not gona walk out on us." She was still holding him. "I need you here." she said. "He was your's too." "I know." he replied. "That's what makes it so fucking hard." He wiped the tears from his face. "I guess we need to call your mom." he said. She gave him a snarled look and started to cry harder. " don't really wana talk to her right now," she said. "Well, I will." he said pulling out his cell phone, and dialing the number. "No," she said grabbing the phone and closing it. "I'll do it." she walked over to the wall and dialed it again. The sound of her mother's voice sent her over the edge. She handed Zacky the phone, "I can't do this." she said. Zack put the phone to his ear. "Hey, It's Zack." he said, his voice breaking. "We're at the hospital, Zander's gone" he said as he began to cry uncontrolably. She was in shock. Her only grandchild was dead. Every thought passible went through her head and she became enraged, "What did u do to him?" she questioned, Zack wasen't in the mood for it and hung up the phone. "I'm not doing this." he said. That bitch has the nerve to ask me what I did to him. She's not gona blame me for what happened to him." He shot. She fought with herself about the time to tell him about the baby, then it came out of nowhere. "I swear I will leave, if she comes up here," he said. "No, You're not ." she told him. "Come here." she said taking him by the hand, pulling him close to her. "Shit's gona get hard, Zack." She took his hand and placed it on her belly. "We're gona get through it." He looked at her and his eyes lit up. He knew what she was trying to say. "Really?' he smiles. "Yes, Zack, I'm pregnant."
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