Status: Finished. Thanks guys!

Dedication Takes a Lifetime


“Hey there, this is Eric, here with Dan and our special guest for today’s snowboard cross, Casey Burgess! Hey Casey, how’s it goin’?”

I fiddled with my mic in the booth for the announcers at the X Games. “Well, actually, pretty good for not being able to compete. I’m surprised.”

“And wanna describe why you’re not out there? Not all of our viewers may know.”

“I was training at Shaun’s house on the halfpipe, because I was going to do that this year, and I didn’t land a McTwist right, and I broke my leg.” I grimaced. “It’s crap, to be honest, because I wanna be competing right now.”

“Oh, yeah,” Eric interjected. “I know what that’s like. Is it hard knowing that tonight you’re gonna watch Shaun compete and not be able to do anything yourself?”

“Absolutely. I’m gonna be there for him, like always, but it’s just gonna be different on crutches.” I sighed.

“Looks like the race is about to start. In gate 1 is…”

As Dan and Eric began commentating on the event, I watched the girls closely. When they shot out of the starting gate, I realized exactly what my sport was.

The speed, the proximity, the sheer danger of it all finally hit me. One tiny slip-up, one tiny little waver of your board in a corner, you could easily take you and somebody else out of the race. With the speed, it was almost impossible not to wonder how they kept control as they took the turns tight and clean and made the landings without killing themselves.

I couldn’t believe that for so long, I was ignorant to all the possible disasters that could occur. Yeah, I saw girls in front of me wipe out, or I heard them fall in back of me, but it wasn’t because of speed or proximity. It was always operator error in my mind.

From here, it all looked very, very scary.

“Well, Casey, we understand that you have to go, so thanks for being up here with us. We hope you have a speedy recovery and we see you out here next time!”

“Oh, thanks.” I smiled. “Yeah, me too.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the lack of updates. It's been hectic. :P
So here ya go. Chapter four. I hope you guys like it - tell me what I can do in the comment section. :) Do you guys like that I don't make you comment x number of times to get an update? I think that's annoying, so I try to avoid it. Silent or not, I know my readers are the bestest!
Thanks everybody that keeps commenting. I love you guys. :)