Status: Just Started! Updates Slowly!

Hello Beautiful!

Yeah Tonight! I'm Gonna Fly...

So I step into my house after the exchange of phone numbers and after the fabulous party filled evening. I can't tell you how happy I am and was to be at a PARTY for the first time. Let alone a famous person's. Well of to bed. I need my sleep for tomorrow. You never know what tomorrow will bring and what will happen. I drift off to sleep playing todays events in my head. This day felt as if I was transported into some crazy La La Land.

I dream about NIck and I flying across the world and stopping at every major city. How's that for a dream.

The next morning I was woken up by my mom telling me I have a surprise waiting downstairs. If I didn’t hurry up it will be gone. I thought to myself what could this surprise be. Well I might as well get my big fat butt out of bed. I got dressed, brushed my teeth and did my hair in record time. I soon made my way slowly downstairs to see what my surprise was. I was headed into the kitchen to find Nick Jonas standing right in front of me in my kitchen! (not really my kitchen, more of the families.)

“Hey Nick. You’re up early.”

“Yeah, so are you. I wanted to invite you to see a concert with me. Do you want to come?”

“Oh my gosh. Sure. Totally if it’s okay with my mom.”

“I already asked her, she said no problem.”

“I guess it’s a deal. When is it?”

“I will come by and pick you up at 5pm and dress casual, jeans and sneaks would work. See you then.”

“Got it. See you then too. Bye Nick.”

“Bye Emma.”

As he drove away, I thought to myself what concert is he taking me to? I guess I will just have to wait and find out. Let’s call this ‘A Mystery Concert Outing’.

I am so bored waiting for him to come at 5 so I decided to go out for a little walk to the beach and back to clear my thought for this hectic morning. And maybe get an ice cream while I am at it.

Finally I get to the beach and decided to get an ice cream. I get my ice cream and walk back to my house to take a long bath and get ready for the concert.

Who knows what tonight will bring?!
♠ ♠ ♠
Another Update!


<3 Emma