C'est La Vie, Baby We're Through

Ever want to just tell someone how you feel? Get every emotion out, every confusing feeling, every angry and outrageous emotion?

So do I. So I spend my time writing out these letters, letters about things to people I could never say them to. And it hurts to keep them bottled up. With all the time I spend writing, it only makes sense to write about my emotions, and my life.

Although fan fiction was my start, and I'm slowly getting into Original fiction, my own non-fiction is the only place I know. It makes the most sense to me, and comforts me later on in life.

So, young reader, welcome to the story about my brain. About it's thought process from the minute I sit down at this large computer desk, to when I get up to do something else.

It's real. It's emotional. It's raw.
It's me, and not much else.


Every chapter will be a song title, see if you can tell which band it's from.