Status: Active

Sunsets and Silhouette Dreams


The remaining days passed by surprisingly quickly, finding out Hayden was alright helped calm my nerves and I wasn’t worried practically every second of the day. I went to sleep that night relived Hayden was going to be back in this room again with me by tomorrow.
The next morning I was woken by a loud bang. Startled I quickly jumped off the bed and got into a defensive position, ready to defend myself. The next thing I knew, I was pinned to the bed and I could hear chuckling coming from the person on top of me.
“Wow! What were you dreaming about?” The person told me. It took me but a second to realize it was Hayden.
“Hayden!” I exclaimed ecstatically, squirming around in hopes that he would get the hint and let me go.
“You better stop that or you‘ll cause problems you won‘t be able to solve” he said in a teasing tone but let me go anyways. As soon as my arms were free, I slapped him.
“Hey, why did you do that for” he exclaimed in a shocked voice, bringing his hand up to rub at his cheek.
“That” I said matter-of-factly.
“Was for waking me up. Don’t you have any manners, I was sleeping here”
“Sorry’ he said sarcastically.
“Did you forget, I was raised by wild wolves”
“Yeah, yeah. Well I‘m going back to sleep.” I told him with a yawn. I quickly climbed back into my bed and was about to fall back into oblivion when I felt someone slip in besides me. I was too tired to do anything but give a few feeble pushes and when those didn’t work, I just rolled over.
I woke up once more to a loud noise, but this time it was due to the loud screech of the alarm clock on my dresser. I moved to turn it off and get off the bed when I realized I couldn’t move. I looked down to see arms around me and looked up from those arms to see Hayden staring at me, a grin on his face.
“I‘ll turn it off” he said and let go of me. He got off the bed after turning the clock off and moved towards his own bed. Once he got to the edge, he just looked at it.
“You…” he said in a slightly menacing voice, which scared me.
“Make beds like a middle-aged nurse” he finished and burst out laughing.
A sigh of relief escaped my lips and I quickly defended myself claiming it just looked like that to him because he couldn’t make a bed properly to save his life. I, then, quickly got out of bed and looked through the drawers for some clean clothes and headed towards the bathroom. When I got out, I told Hayden he should take a shower, only to realize he wasn’t there.
They probably expect him to be in the cafeteria by now that’s all I thought to myself. When I got to the cafeteria, I spotted him. He was sitting with his friends, joking around and throwing occasional glances towards the door. I could tell when he saw me, uncertainty flashed in his eyes and he turned back to his friends. I quickly moved towards the food, not even looking at what I was getting, and then went to my table, the one with Hailey and Adam. While I sat there eating my food but not really tasting it, I thought about everything that had happened and never once did I glance towards Hayden’s table.
This continued to happen every day over the next week. Hayden and I bonded behind closed doors and avoided each other outside. He sat with his friends and I sat with mine, he’d steal the occasional glance towards me, on which I always pretended never to see. He never talked about the reasons for ignoring me outside of our room and I never had the guts to question him.
Two weeks went by, I was getting closer to Hayden as well as Adam. Adam provided a well needed excuse not to think about Hayden. We talked, laughed, joked around. He was always nice and never seemed to get mad, just frustrated. Adam never seemed to see the glances Hayden threw me across the room and if he did he never said anything. I was grateful for Adam and he was a great friend, though he always seemed to have trouble with his work.
As the days continued to pass, I felt unsettled with how things were. Not even talking to Adam helped anymore. I began feeling frustrated and then one day, I just snapped
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After Hayden's next chapter Kale's
won't get posted till after november
I'm doing NaNoWriMo
Happy Halloween for those who celebrate