Status: Active

Sunsets and Silhouette Dreams

Hay Hay

You know what I hate more then anything in the world? Thinking about someone constantly. You know what's worse then that? Not being able to hang out with them every fucking second of every fucking day. Of course, I could hang out with Kale all day if I wanted. But my friends would think I was weak. They would believe that I was just getting ga ga over "the new kid" as they put it. The past two weeks, were not what I wanted. I wanted all my friends, well maybe besides Jason, to meet Kale and get to know him the way I know him. I want them to see the cute way he scrunches his nose in disgust when I burp. Or the blush that crosses his cheeks when I kiss his nose. I want them to know him and accept him but they won't. Especially since he hangs out with that Adam guy.

I left the wreck room and headed to my room. Kale wasn't in the wreck room so I couldn't steal my glances that hold me over. I made up a lame excuse to my friends about being tired cause the new kid kept me up all night with his whining. I was sort of tired, but it was cause of the dreams I was having. Not those dreams, you freak. They were really upsetting. Kale was taken from me. It felt like a stab in my chest and a twist from a knife.

I smiled as I reached our room. I smiled and pushed back the door looking for Kale. "Kale!" I said happily as I saw him pacing the room. The look on his face made me frown. "What's wr-" was all I got out before he slapped me hard in the face. So hard, I fell straight on my ass. "What the FUCK, Kale!" I screamed holding my burning face.

"What do you mean what the fuck?!" He said angry. He was fuming causing me to try and remember anything I did wrong. I couldn't think of anything. I stood up and glared at him.

"I mean what did I do to fucking deserve that slap from you?" I was getting angrier with every pulse from my cheek.

"A guy can only take so much Hayden! You want to hang out with me, only when no one is around! You don't fucking know what it's like to hear that you like me, only for you to not talk to me unless were in here! God fucking dammit!"

"That's a lot of fucks for a little kid like you!" I snarled. I didn't want to get angry and I didn't want to fight with Kale. I wanted to pull him into my arms and hold him, telling him that I was sorry. But my mind had a different way of things at the moment.

"Little kid?! You think I'm a fucking little kid!" His glare was intense.

This only enraged my mind more. I glared back and balled up my fist. "Yes, your a little fucking kid." I said slowly.

"Oh yeah?" He said before ripping down his pants. "Do I look fucking little to you?!" My eyes bulged out of my skull. He was by no means little and I bit my lip. "Yeah, wanna retract your statement there asshole!" He screamed as he pulled up my pants.

"Kale." I looked at him slightly hurt. "I'm sorry. You're right I am an asshole. I never wanted to hurt you. I'm sorry."

"Don't say sorry. You don't mean it! I don't wanna hear it!" He said pushing past me and basically running out of the room. I blink back tears and watched him leave. I felt a sharp pain in my chest. I couldn't bear it. I had leaned on him so much but never gave anything back. He was a right I'm an asshole, a dick, a fucking douche bag who deserved to rot in hell.

As I sat there deeming myself as the worst names in the book, I couldn't help but to fall into a deep depression. I hated my life. I didn't know what to do anymore. Should I go after him, would he try and stab me with a pen. Or would he be happy that I actually care enough to run after him? If I do go after him, do I say something sweet and kiss him or try and apologize? Before I could figure anything else out, my legs carried me the way Kale had gone, in hopes to find him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay I know this took FOREVER!
But it's okay
Hopefully Gabby will make up for it
And post the next chapter :)
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Yeah get on it!