Status: Active

Sunsets and Silhouette Dreams



The door opened and I was jerked forward unexpectedly. Caught off guard my feet went out from under me, luckily James and Evan had a good grip on me preventing me from falling on my face. Once we were inside, with the door closed, and i was back to standing on my own two feet i took a minute to examine my surroundings. The first thing i noticed was that everything was white... and clean. With white walls and furniture one would expect dirt and mud, grease and grime but no, it was sparkly clean. It was almost erie. You couldn't make something look more like a part in a mental hospital than this. "Kale Holden, I presume" came a voice somewhere in front of me, stealing my attention from the white walls surrounding me. In front of me stood a very pretty nurse, someone a straight or even bi-sexual person would find attractive, but not me. No sir-y-bob. Realizing she was expecting an answer from me i quickly stammered a quick yes. She laughed causing me to blush from embarrassment.

Her face quickly turned serious and she began explaining somethings: classes (my school worked would be faxed and emailed over from that days class), therapy (weekly visits every Wednesday), contact (i was not allowed to touch any other patients in other than a handshake or hug and even the only when permitted), uniforms (to be worn every day and wash days were on weekends) and finally personal belongings (to be looked over and you were only allowed what they found suitable). "you got all that sweetie" she said offering a smile.

"I think so" I replied running through all the information silently. She turned towards Evan and cocked her head

"did i forget anything" It came out coyly and did I detect a hint of a 'dumb blonde' accent. I turned towards James, gouging his reaction, he bristled for a second and then answered her question himself

"you forgot visiting and phone calls" he said a tad bit of malice coloring his tone.

"oh yes" the receptionist said either ignoring or not noticing the way James has said his previous statement and spun around to face me once more. "visiting is once a month the schedule is posted every first of the month. You also get a 15-minute phone call every week. We can determine what time slot you get in a bit" she then walked towards her desk and pulled out a sheet of paper and a pen, on the way back she called out to a nurse to go bring Hayden. Hayden, who the hell was Hayden. She then showed me the paper and pointed to empty times. I decided on Thursday at 9:30. The nurse soon came back with a guy who i assumed to be Hayden, he wore a distant look on his face even though he was staring right at me. I decided to be polite and extended my hand while at the same time reciting

"Hi I'm Kale". He nodded looking slightly dazed 'till the nurse hit his shoulder causing him to grunt and extend his hand to shake mine. As soon as his hand touched mine i felt a jolt, like if you had created static. I quickly snatched my hand away and looked at it, from the corner of my eye i could see Hayden doing the same. When he was done inspecting his hand he looked down at me angrily and grunted. What was it with this guy and grunting, maybe he was a caveman. Yeah a caveman in a straight clinic effing hilarious. I came down from my internal laughing fit to catch the end of a rant from the nurse

" more locking new guys into the closet and ditching them. He will be your new roommate. So might as well get used to him now" Hayden then started walking and i followed. Wait a minute, he locks guys in closets, no... I don't want to get locked in a closet the last time that happened a girl tried to kiss me and get me to touch her boobs ewww. Hayden suddenly stopped in front of me causing me to bump into him which snapped me out of my thoughts.

"This is the cafeteria. We eat here. Uh, yeah" he said speaking in the direction of a couple of double doors, I could make out some bench seats and tables. I shook my head and rolled my eyes, typical cafeteria furniture. Half an hour and a couple of space outs later we ended up at the front desk once more. The receptionist gave me the same clothes Hayden was wearing, took me to the the bathroom and told me to change - which i did. I looked down at my shoes the only thing I'd be able to wear with the uniform, I would miss my clothes. I walked out of the bathroom and handed my clothes to the lady and then followed Hayden tohis our room, my brain running on auto pilot.

When we reached the room Hayden opened the door and walked in telling me to close the door behind me on the way to his bed. Which he pointed at it and then my bed and then said something along the lines of stay one your side, my brain muddling up the bed and headed towards the window. I went to my bed and let myself drop face down, arms spread and still fully clothed. The second time in two days. I still haven't taken a shower being the last thought in my head before i headed great fully into my wonderful world of dreams.