Status: Active

Sunsets and Silhouette Dreams



I sat at my table in the cafeteria and sighed. I was sitting with my normal crew, Jason, the most emo kid you will meet trust me, Jen and her girlfriend, (but like I said you can't really date in here) Jackie, and Max. We were all pretty much the ones to fear. The girls feared Jen and Jackie and everyone feared Max and I. Jason, well they just feared for his life. No one sat at our table, it's not like we actually hurt people, but we made fun of everyone. We have been in this fucked up place longer then anyone else. The teachers ended up giving up on us. Which we really didn't care too much about, because we weren't here to be buddy buddy with the teachers or anyone else for that matter.

So yeah I was sitting at the table looking disgusted at the food in front of me. I don't know how many times I have to tell the stupid bitch behind the food counter, I don't eat fucking meat! I always try to push it off on to Max's plate when he wasn't looking, but today, he's eyes were fixed onto his food. I think he was trying to figure out how meat always ended up on his plate. I laughed a little to myself before looking away. My eyes caught on to Kale, my loser of a roommate. He wasn't looking at me, but someone else in the room. I looked towards his gaze but couldn't see what he was looking at. Pff probably one of the hot guys here who had an STD. I turned my attention back to my "friends" at the table. Jason was sitting next to me writing something down in his journal. He never ate, and when he did it was a bit off someone else's plate. Max was across from me still staring at his plate, Jen was debating with Jackie what they should do to the new boy.

"I say, we go over there and talk to him!" Jen said, she was always the sweet one, though no one saw it, except us. She tried to act like a bad ass when she wasn't. Although most people saw her as a bad ass, we knew she always felt guilty for the pranks we pulled on everyone.

"I say we throw food at him." Jackie said evilly. I laughed and shook my head. And then thought.

"I've got the perfect idea." I said with an evil smile. They both snapped they're attention to me. "I say we lock him in the closet." I said winking.

"Why do you think that's always a good idea?" Jackie said laughing.

"No just listen. When I was told to give him a tour, the bitch at the front desk told me not to lock him in a closet. An-"

"Yeah because you do it all the time!" Jen said.

"I told you to listen!" I said pointing a finger at her. She huffed and crossed her arms. "Well, his eyes got so wide! I believe it scares him." I said looking back at Kale. Jackie laughed as did Jen. I looked over at them confused. "What?"

"I think you like him!" I looked at Jackie with a raised eyebrow. "It's so obvious. This isn't the first time you looked at him. Actually it's the second time during lunch. I don't like watch you or anything, but if we're talking and you're not looking at us it's usually at him!" She said.

"I- uh." I hadn't thought about it. "It's just cause I'm his roommate, and he's a loser!" I said defensively.

"Yeah well, I've noticed you look at him, like you did Chris." I heard Max say sadly. I jumped up quickly.

"I don't look at anyone like Chris! I hate the new piece of shit here. No one will ever be like Chris!" Everyone at the table looking up at me. I shook my head angry and walked out of the Cafeteria. Fuck them! I thought as I walked towards the therapy room. We were having group therapy today. Joy. I know they were going to try and get me to talk about why I was here. I have yet to tell anyone, quite frankly. And no it's not because I'm ashamed of it. No, it's because they will tell me how wrong it is. It wasn't wrong for me to do that. It wasn't. It was kind of rude, that my parents did this to me. I was they're only son. They're oldest.

So lunch was over and kids were filing into the room. My so called "Friends" didn't even sit next to me. I kind of glared at them, although I was happy they didn't sit next to me. I looked down at my hands and glared at them too. There was two seats left in the whole group. Both next to me. Great one was going to be a little fucking asshole, and then the kid who didn't get a seat yet. I felt someone sit down and looked next to me out of the corner of my eye. Of fucking course it was Kale. I sighed and waited for the stupid ass therapist. I felt him sit down too. "Hello group. How are you all doing today?" The short bald man said. I rubbed my nose and sniffed a little. Everyone else kind of mumbled a response or grunted. "Alright, we have a newbie here. Kale?" He said looking next to me. Kale did this awkward wave thing and it made me smirk. What an idiot! "Alright, I know this is a lost cause, but we're going to go around the room and everyone say how they got here." Mr. K said. He looked to his right, to a girl named Kate. She explained how she got there. I rolled my eyes as most people said that they told they're parents and got sent. Some even said they told a friend who told they're parents. Kale was no different. Mr. K looked at me with a slight glare. "Alright Hayden, you're turn."

"You know he isn't going to explain." Kate piped in. I rolled my eyes and pushed my hair from my face.

"You know what. Here it goes." I said with a smirk. Everyone's eyes were on me. I gulped but shrugged. "So there I was, ramming my boyfriend in the ass right? And like seriously, he was an alright fuck. Not the best. The best are deem damn virgins. An-"

"Stop Hayden." Mr. K said.

"No you wanted to know!" I said before continuing. "Anyways, So yeah, I was seriously, mid having sex when the fuckers I call parents walk in. Pretty much ruined the mood after that. And then they started hitting me. Telling me I was a loser and a queer. Which I guess is true. But anyways, so yeah, Then they sent me here. And it's been a wonderful three years with Mr. K over here! Isn't that right?" I said looking over at him with an annoyed look on my face.

He stuttered a response and we were left to go finish up the day with his words of wised. "God doesn't like gays" Pff fuck off Mr. K, I thought as I walked out and to my room. I laid down and looked up at the ceiling. Why did my life suck? I turned onto my side and looked over at Kale's bed that now had Kale on it. I bit my lip. Did I really look at him, like I did Chris? Fuck I hope not. Chris was a dick, and hadn't called me like he said he would. I noticed Kale looking over at me and rolled my eyes, flipping over and staring out the window. I can't believe I told them about how I got caught. Man the look on Mr. K's face was priceless. I really did miss Kaleb. Of course he broke up with me after my parents found us. I guess it's whatever. Like I said he wasn't the best fuck. God I hate my life. Six more months!
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I'm sorry it took so long.. I'm a horrible person bahahaha.