Status: Active

Sunsets and Silhouette Dreams



It’s been about a week since I first came here and everything seems to be going okay. I’ve been keeping up my school work and even managed to talk to a couple of people in my class. I never realized how nice people were to newcomers, well some people at least. Hayden, my roommate, seemed like an anti-social asshole to me when I first met him. Well he was all except for the first part though, he was social all right. He had a couple of friends who I soon found out everybody was afraid of. Great my roommate is a psycho maniac. Maybe he wasn’t that bad but I had no way of knowing for myself, since he never talked to me unless he absolutely had to. Which was a good thing in my book, getting involved with someone people are afraid of is never a good thing. That’s how abusive relationships happen people.

I was sitting at lunchtime with a couple of friendly people from my class. They were really nice people and even included me in their conversations. I didn’t feel like an awkward person sitting with them and that I was happy for. As lunch progressed I spotted a really hot guy sitting by himself across the cafeteria. I wondered why he was sitting alone since it looked like he was nice person. I continued to stare at him for a little while longer ‘till he suddenly looked up and caught my gaze. He had really nice eyes. They were a shade of blue that reminded me of the ocean on a warm calm day. As soon as I realized that I was staring and he had caught me staring I looked down, blushing. After about a minute I took a quick peek at him. He was no longer looking over here. I breathed a sigh of relief and re-joined the conversation around me. They were discussing random things like cookies and pencils. I put in a couple of comments myself, although In my head I was still thinking about that boy. Why was he sitting all by himself, when it was clear that there was a lot of friendly people who I bet wouldn’t mind having him sit with them.

I turned to the girl sitting next to me and tapped her shoulder, her name was Hilary I think, I was horrible at remembering names. Although I managed to remember Hayden’s without much trouble, it was probably because he was my roommate.

When she turned around I asked her about that boy sitting across the room.

“Oh” She started. “That’s Adam, he doesn‘t really talk to people so no one knows much about him, actually if I remember correctly he’s in our class”

“He is?” I asked incredulously. He couldn’t be. I looked over every inch and every single person in that classroom the first day. He wasn’t in the classroom then and I doubt he was there all the other days either.

“Yeah, he just hasn’t been around since about a week before you came. I wonder why?” So do I Hilary, so do I. “Anyway, don’t worry about it”

“Okay, I won’t” I told her but I was turning over what she just told me in my head.. I think she noticed but didn’t say anything. I like this girl, she seems like she’ll be an awesome friend in this place.

“Hilary, what is the group therapy the teacher-like person mentioned about” I asked her since we were still facing each other.

She started laughing at that which left me confused. When she stopped she told me group therapy was just something they held every once in a while to show why people are here. “Oh and my names not Hilary, it’s Haley.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry, I suck at remembering someone names when I first meet them” I said rather fast all the while blushing.

“Ha-ha no problem, although its been a week so I hope you can remember it after this” She said a smile on here face.

“I’ll try” I told her, right before the bell rang. I grabbed the tray which had contained my food and went towards the trash place where you put the tray, Haley who had already taken her tray headed towards the door. On my way there I stumbled a bit and ended up bumping into someone.

“Sorry” I heard coming from the person I had bumped into.

“It’s not your fault I was the one who bumped into you” I told the person all the whole looking around to see if any of the leftover food from my tray had flown and splattered somewhere form the impact. When I verified that no food had flown, I looked up at the stranger I had bumped into. Well he wasn’t exactly a stranger, it was the guy I had been staring at before. Embarrassed I quickly put my tray in the designated place and headed for the door.

When I reached the corridor, I realized what I had done. I ran away from him, well not exactly but that’s beside the point, leaving quickly must have made me seem suspicious and if before he had only though that I was looking around and my eyes happened to land on him, now he must think I really was staring at him. Oh well it was too late to do anything now, what’s done is done.

I headed for the room where the therapy was going to be held. When I walked in there were only a couple of empty seats, I spotted one next to Hayden and quickly made my way there. Sit next to a somewhat familiar face or sit next to a random stranger, the answers pretty obvious. The next person to enter the room was a short bald man. He sat in the center of the room and addressed everybody. Most people either mumbled a response or grunted like Hayden always did. So I decided not to do anything and just sit quietly, hopefully I wouldn’t get called on to say anything. All hopes of staying quiet and out of the radar vanished when the guy opened his mouth and the words that came out where: "Alright, we have a newbie here. Kale?" Damn, I blushed and made a sort- of waving motion not specifically directed at anybody.

"Alright, I know this is a lost cause, but we're going to go around the room and everyone say how they got here." The guy continued after my wave. He looked towards his right and a girl I didn’t know started off. I’m glad she was a ways away from me. Most people got here the same way I did. They told parents, when it was my turn I added my story to the ones before me. When I finished I noticed the guy glaring lightly at Hayden.

"Alright Hayden, you're turn." He said in a voice that said he had said this many times before to an unsatisfactory ending. My suspicions were confirmed when the girl who had started us off said "You know he isn't going to explain." I turned to look at Hayden just in time to catch him rolling his eyes and to see a smirk appear.

"You know what. Here it goes." He said and I swear you could hear every head in the room swiveling to look at him.

"So there I was, ramming my boyfriend in the ass right? And like seriously, he was an alright fuck. Not the best. The best are deem damn virgins. An-" What the hell, my poor ears his words were so… vulgar.

"Stop Hayden." The therapist guy said in a demanding tone.

"No you wanted to know!" Hayden just ignored him and kept telling his story. "Anyways, So yeah, I was seriously, mid having sex when the fuckers I call parents walk in. Pretty much ruined the mood after that. And then they started hitting me. Telling me I was a loser and a queer. Which I guess is true. But anyways, so yeah, Then they sent me here. And it's been a wonderful three years with Mr. K over here! Isn't that right?" Hayden’s story left me shocked. That’s the reason he got sent here, he was having sex with some guy when his parent’s walked in and the way he said ‘alright fuck’ you could tell that guy wasn’t his first. So what was he a whore, I bet if I asked he wouldn’t deny it. I hated people like that. They weren’t trustworthy and when something happened they left you behind to pick up the pieces.

The guy, Mr. K, stuttered through a response as to what Hayden said but nothing he said made any sense except for what he said last "God doesn't like gays” What the hell, God also doesn’t like people who commit sins, but do you see a camp for people who cheat on their spouse.

Everything was going haywire inside my head. Things from god to cheaters to whore to my best friend, it all just muddled together. I went to my room and just laid down on my bed trying to sort through all of my jumbled thoughts.
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Yay! Two in one day... Maybe even three?