Status: Active

Sunsets and Silhouette Dreams



With all that aggressive and overly emotional thinking I must have fallen asleep. When I woke up it was dark and Hayden was sleeping. I must have slept through dinner , oh well I wasn’t really hungry anyways. As soon as I was fully conscious my worries from before came back and with the earsplitting silence there was nothing to distract me, from my doubts and arguments. If I were back home I would have just put my earphones on or called my best friend. Sometimes even both but the thing was I wasn’t at home. I was at a facility who knows how far from my house, my best friend and my sweetie pie. God how missed everybody, they would comfort me whenever I was feeling bad or sad, even mad. Just seeing my baby’s face put me in a good mood. I was alright for a week but now homesickness was taking effect and I wasn’t sure I was strong enough to surpass it. Everyone thought of me as a rock someone who’d always be there but the truth was I drew my strength from them and without them I was nothing but a confused boy second guessing himself.
Suddenly a weird sound cut through the silence, distracting me from my thoughts. It took me a couple of seconds to realize it was a moan. What in the world, who was moaning? I heard another one and realized they were coming from Hayden. Why was Hayden moaning in the middle of the night, was he trying to freak me out or something. Quietly I slipped out of my bed and made my way towards Hayden’s side of the room. When I go half way I halted and looked down, was this really a line I wanted to cross. Not really but if he was trying to mess with me I had to know. I stepped over the invisible line and into enemy territory. I slowly crept over to Hayden’s bed all the while still hearing moans and groans coming from him. When I finally reached his bed, I stood over him and looked down.
There lay Hayden in all his glory, not exactly, but this was the most vulnerable I’d ever seen him. He was moving around and the look on his face showed nothing but pleasure. He was asleep, a smirk came across my face, so he was having a wet dream. What came out of his mouth next though, wiped the smirk off my face and had me quietly sprinting back towards my bed. I slammed into the frame, my speed not allowing me to stop properly. I muttered a quick shit and looked towards Hayden’s bed. He stirred but didn’t wake. I quickly got in my bed and under the covers. I ran through what had just happened in my head all the while trying to keep my breathing steady.
He had moaned my name. Moaned my freaking Name. Impossible, he must have been thinking about someone else by the same name or just got the persons named confused, he was a whore right. My mind wouldn’t stop thinking that it was me he was talking about. I just wished my head would shut up. No instead it began replaying that little scene over and over again ‘till eventually I felt my body something I wish it wouldn’t.
“Please go back down” I begged silently.
Apparently my genitalia didn’t feel like listening to me at the moment and instead went up higher. Really my head and my... were in a conspiracy against me. A couple of minutes later, when all hope that my brain would shut down and so would my... went down the drain, I got up and headed for the bathroom. At least the bathroom was connected to the room and I didn’t have to embarrass myself anymore than I already was. When I was done with my business, I headed for my bed once more in hopes that I’d be able to get some shut eye before breakfast. I did and within minutes I was sound asleep, dreaming about nothingness and for that I was glad.
I woke up once more to the sound of Hayden moving around the room, knocking things over and looking pissed off. Looks like someone didn’t finish getting off last night. I snickered to myself and headed for the dresser. He growled at me and then moved aside allowing me to grab some clean clothes. I headed for the bathroom and my cheeks heated up. Damn brain.
When I got out of the bathroom Hayden was nowhere to be seen and that was just as well. I didn’t want to run into him today more than I needed to and I had class with him so not having to see him now was cool with me. I left the room and headed for the cafeteria. I got in line and when it was my turn to get food I got everything I could. Quickly scanning the room I spotted Haley sitting at a table near Hayden’s. Oh well at least they were a good distance apart. I took the empty seat next to Haley and immediately began eating.
“Someone looks hungry” Haley told me an amused look on her face.
“I haven‘t eaten since lunch yesterday I‘m starving” I told her between bites of egg and whatever else I had piled on there.
“Well you should slow down your going to end up choking”
“Kay” I replied taking slower bites and even stopping to take a drink of juice
Suddenly I felt something hit me in the face, what in the world. I wiped my face with back of my face and looked around trying to figure out who did that.
“What the hell” I heard Haley say from next to me.
I turned to look at her and noticed she had a bit of egg in her hair. I reached out to take it off when I head someone scream ‘Food Fight’, what happened next looked like it came out of a movie. A second after the person screamed food went flying everywhere. It looked as if everybody was throwing food, even Haley, so I grabbed my food and flung it in some random direction. By the time someone came to stop us I was completely covered in food, my poor shoes.
I looked around and noticed administrator person headed towards Hayden’s table. So he’s the one who threw the food at me first, I should have guessed. I looked towards Hayden who was giggling and didn’t look like he was going to stop anytime soon. The administrator beckoned the people at Hayden’s table and they all began following him. All except Hayden. The warden turned around and screamed for Hayden to follow him. I watched him walk out the door, wondering what was in store for him.
“As for the rest of you” One of the lunch ladies started.
“Your all going to clean up this mess” At this everyone let out a cumulative groan.
It took about an hour to finish cleaning the cafeteria and that didn’t include the food that had hit the ceiling. I headed to my room to change into some new clothes and see what I could do about my shoes. When I opened the door I expected Hayden to be sitting on his bed wearing a cocky smile but to my surprise he wasn’t there. He’s probably already in the classroom I thought to myself.
I finished changing and headed towards the classroom, when I got there I scanned the area and realized no one was there. What the hell happened to Hayden?
I was heading towards my seat when a slight shuffling from the corner of the classroom caught my attention. I looked towards the sound and realized that I wasn’t the only person in the room. There was someone else here, in the usually vacant seat located next to mine. Adam.
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